Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

When Art Becomes Inhuman

Interesting commentary on the state of the Fine Art establishment.

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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

State Plans To Scale Down Youth Jail

The State plans to reform a youth prison after a series of articles revealed widespread problems there.

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Commentary :: Globalization

NWO - Is It The Curse Or The Cure?

In a few short years there will be a united world. This has to be. Only a world that works as one can protect the itself from being raped and destroyed by plundering invaders from other worlds. But realize this and realize it fast... Those who are clamoring the hardest and the loudest for a one world government are the very ones who have invaded and plundered your world.

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News :: Protest Activity

Alert! IMF In DC Jan 14-17!

The IMF will be meeting in DC Jan 14-17!
Last minuite date change?

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

9.11 Questions Nobody Is Asking

We are cowards because we have chosen to follow the path of least resistance - blindly accepting the blatant lies that Washington and the media have disseminated since the September 11 attacks. Following that course requires no independent thought and, more importantly, causes none of what psychologists like to call 'cognitive dissonance.'

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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

Shut Down The White Supremacist Recuriting Drive, York, PA 01/12/02

This coming January 12, at 12 noon in York, PA, three white supremacist groups with ties to racist terrorism -- the World Church of the Creator, the National Alliance, and the Eastern Hammer Skins -- are planning a public meeting to capitalize off racial tensions which have been brought out recently by the prosecution of York's mayor for his role in the 1969 race riots in that town. Anarchsits and Anti-Racists issue a call to action against the white supremacists.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights


Here is a new website on the repressive tactics being employed by the U.S. Government against dissidents and those deemed anti-American.

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News :: Globalization

Interview With Yellow Overall

In terview with former member, NYC Ya Basta Collective

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News :: Globalization

Anti-Capitalist Convergence On The WEF Meeting

A call from anti-capitalists to protest the World Economic Forum meetings in New York City

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Commentary :: International Relations

Is George W. Bush Bringing Judgment To The World?

Does George W. Bush believe it is his duty to judge who is or is not a terrorist? Or is he being used by a greater force in accomplishing something that is not clearly seen by him or the people of the world?

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