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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

State Plans To Scale Down Youth Jail

The State plans to reform a youth prison after a series of articles revealed widespread problems there.

Maryland has announced that it will reduce the population at Victor Cullen Center in Frederick County. The 185 bed juvenile facility will still house about 48 kids. The rest will be placed in community programs. The decision came after an article in the Sun described widespread problems at the state's three juvenile detention centers.

The facility is run by Correctional Services Corporation a Florida based company which has had problems in other states. According to the Sun a riot broke out at their Las Vegas facility after kids were held beyond their release date. Alleged problems at Victor Cullen included understaffing, physical abuse by guards and lack of education. It was also reported that CSC destroyed records.

CSC will continue to operate the Hickey School in Baltimore County. A recent report by channel 13 news suggested that there may be problems there as well. The school neglected to tell a family that there
son was in the hospital after a fight. When the mother went to visit her son, the school had no idea where
he was. The state has said that it will seek to reform Hickey in the future.

Most child advocates believe that states should move away from large institutions. Kids who already have problems do not do well in that setting. Non-violent offenders should be placed in community programs. And kids who can't be placed in the community should be placed in smaller facilities.

The problems at Victor Cullen could become a campaign issue for Lt. Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend who is running for Governor. Townsend has favored a tough on crime approach to juveniles.But allegations of physical abuse forced the closure of Maryland's juvenile boot camps two years ago.And now the Glendening administration must deal with the impression that it ignored systemic problems at its juvenile detention centers.

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