Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: Environment

Earth Liberation Front Web Page

The Earth Liberation Front has a wonderful web page...check it out...sign the guestbook...join the fun.

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LOCAL News :: Labor

Direct Action At Local Taco Bell

A call to take local direct action against Taco Bell

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:Cleveland School Vouchers Case Heard By U.S. Supreme Court Opponents...

The group People for the American Way serves as a co-council for Ohio citizens challenging Cleveland's voucher program. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Dwight Holmes, education policy manager with People for the American Way, who explains why his group and many parents and policy analysts oppose school vouchers.

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Commentary :: Peace

Baby Killing Lies And The 1991 Gulf War

How war profiteers orchestrated a singly monstrous lie against Saddam Hussein order to brainwash Americans into supporting the 1991 Gulf war.

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News :: Globalization

Bush Daddy's Glory

Humility comes before honor!

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News :: Media

A Very Good News Website

I have found alot of news here that I have not found anywhere else

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News :: Peace


The ANSWER coalition is moving it's april 27 march on d.c. against war and racism.. to april 20, to join other forces marching that weekend.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Philadelphia Based KWRU Organizes Welfare Reform Rally At The State Building

March 4, 2002
"March for Our Lives"
Rally and Demonstration Concerning Welfare Reform
State Building: Broad and Spring Garden

Five Year Anniversary of Welfare Reform! When will U.S. citizens be afforded basic economic human rights?

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LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Retaliation Against ACORN Comes In Form Of Bogus City Charges

Maryland ACORN's press release on the City's Charges

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

A Soldier's Report On The War Against Horrorism

Hop on board Isidor's Magical Mystery Tour taking you from Halfgonistan
to the dark side of the Moon. Learn about the War Against Evilism,
Horrorism and Errorism. Find out who the world's most wanted terrorist
is. There's much more to say but there isn't enough space in this
paragraph to say it...So check it out and spread whatever Truth you find
to those who do not know. Who knows...if not those who want to know.

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