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Philadelphia Based KWRU Organizes Welfare Reform Rally At The State Building

March 4, 2002
"March for Our Lives"
Rally and Demonstration Concerning Welfare Reform
State Building: Broad and Spring Garden

Five Year Anniversary of Welfare Reform! When will U.S. citizens be afforded basic economic human rights?
March 4, 2002
"March for Our Lives"
Rally and Demonstration Concerning Welfare Reform
State Building: Broad and Spring Garden

Five Year Anniversary of Welfare Reform! When will U.S. citizens be afforded basic economic human rights?

After five years of Welfare Reform there is still no plan for affordable housing and there are few living wage jobs to be had.

March 3, 2002 marks the five-year anniversary of Welfare Reform in the United States. In 1996 reforms made to Welfare by the Clinton administration limited public assistance to a five-year lifetime maximum. Those who have been on welfare for five years since the Welfare Reforms were instated will be cut off of public assistance beginning in June.

The Philadelphia based Kensington Welfare Rights Union is organizing a rally on March 4th to take place at 12 noon at the State Building on Broad and Spring Garden. Welfare recipients, families sanctioned from welfare, homeless families, members of local social service agencies, the religious community, students, unions and members of the KWRU will be coming together around the issue of Welfare Reform. Following the rally buses will be going to Harrisburg, PA to visit Feather Houston, Pennsylvania's welfare secretary, at her office.

When: March 4th 2002 12 NOON
Where: State Building; Broad and Spring Garden

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