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News :: Peace

U.S. Backed Coup Defeated In Venezuela!

U.S. Hands Off Venezuela!

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Commentary :: Gender and Sexuality

"Sexual Abuse" Craze Of The 1990's Caused By Culturally Biased Therapists

The "Sexual Abuse" craze of the 1990's was caused by therapists who may or may not have known that they were projecting their own cultural/religious bias onto their clients, thus afftecting the viability of their treatment paradigm.

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Commentary :: International Relations

Palestinians And The American People

The Palestinian people have no grudge against the American public. We never did. As a matter of fact, if one resists the media spin and takes a closer look at what the Palestinians have been struggling for during the last two weeks--let alone the last thirty-five years--it will be revealed that the Palestinian Intifada is a very American struggle. After all, it is a struggle for national independence, civil liberties, human rights, as well as a struggle to establish an open market in an independent economy, free to market forces and free from Israeli domination.

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

Freedom From Form

A new way to understand.

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Commentary :: Protest Activity

BTL: Thousands Expected To Converge On Washington, D.C. For...

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Ted Glick, of the Independent Progressive Politics Network, who serves on the steering committee of a coalition of groups organizing a major demonstration April 20 in Washington, D.C.

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News :: Protest Activity

MARCH FOR PALESTINE: April 20 @ The White House

Stop the Bush/Sharon War Against Palestine!
Saturday, April 20
11 am @ the White House
(Gather at the Ellipse, 16th & Constitution NW)

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News :: Protest Activity


The Free Palestine Alliance-USA Call to Action to join us at the White House in Washington, DC on Saturday, April 20, 2002, at 11 a.m., in a national mobilization in support of the struggle of the Palestinian People as we gear up for the protest against the war criminal Sharon.

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News :: Protest Activity

Naked Wood Nymphs For Inquisitor General AshKKKroft

"Well folks, it's holiday season again. May 1st is Beltane, and it's less than four weeks away. We are sure you know what that means - it's time to send our holiday greetings to the Inquisitor General!"

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News :: Miscellaneous

Upcoming Events At The Lucy Parsons Center

As part of Boston's FESTIVAL DEL PUEBLO, the following speaking events will take place at the LUCY PARSONS CENTER...

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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

Hopkins Teach-In On Middle East

Students protest the violence and terror in the Middle East

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