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The Free Palestine Alliance-USA Call to Action to join us at the White House in Washington, DC on Saturday, April 20, 2002, at 11 a.m., in a national mobilization in support of the struggle of the Palestinian People as we gear up for the protest against the war criminal Sharon.

At this critical moment in the struggle of our people, the Free Palestine Alliance-USA calls upon all those who stand for justice and liberation to join us at the White House in Washington, DC on Saturday, April 20, 2002, at 11 a.m., in a national mobilization in support of the struggle of the Palestinian People as we gear up for the protest against the war criminal Sharon.

As we join thousands from across the nation who will assemble at the White House on that day, we intend to send a clear message that we hold the Bush Administration responsible for the carnage carried out against our steadfast people in heroic Janin, Nablus, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Doura, Qalqilia, Tulkarem, Rafah, Jabalia, and every town and camp in our beloved land.

Indeed, we call on all to stand shoulder to shoulder with those who stand clearly and unconditionally with our people's stubborn quest for liberation. As we assemble at the White House, we will join millions across the world who have declared repeatedly that the "green light" and political cover granted by the US Administration is largely what allowed the war criminal Sharon to launch his genocidal campaign on the cities, town and refugee camps of Palestine.

At the White House, we will demand an immediate end to all U.S. aid to Israel, as we render support to the Palestinian People's right to self-determination.

At the White House, we will join the national mobilization organized by the A.N.S.W.E.R. -Act Now to Stop War and End Racism Coalition, which stands in full support of the Palestinian people. Among the keynote speakers will be two prominent Palestinian student activists, Fadia Rafeedie of Yale University and Randa Jamal of Columbia University.

The organizing for April 20th follows on the heels of the very successful nationwide student mobilizations on April 9th marking the 54th anniversary of the Deir Yassin massacre. On campuses across the country, students and community activists came out in unprecedented numbers -- 1,500 at U.C. Berkeley, where 78 people were arrested in a building sit-in that captured the attention of the US and much of the world; and 1,000 students at San Francisco State, with strong and significant protests on dozens of other campuses. Our community's mobilization is also but an extension of our people's stand from coast to coast who stood with tens of thousands of supporters rendering solidarity with the Palestinian People from Washington, DC to Los Angeles, and from New York to Chicago, and to San Francisco.

The April 20th demonstration will also provide a significant push and preparation for the April 22th protest against the war criminal Sharon, who is scheduled to speak along with George Bush that evening at the annual convention of AIPAC-the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, at the Washington Hilton.

We call on all who stand in support of the Palestinian people at this crucial juncture to join us at the White House on April 20.

Free Palestine Alliance - USA

For information, please contact:
Hanna Hanania (202) 256-6061 or Elias Rashmawi (530) 304-4573

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