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News :: Protest Activity

Practical Idealism Unites Protest Of China, Globalization, Mid East

To assist some of the goals of dissent, Practical Idealism is now being made into an explicit cause with organization as below.

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Commentary :: Environment

Grassroots Campaign Launched To Oppose Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump And...

Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Deborah Katz, executive director of the Citizens Awareness Network, which organized the Wesleyan conference.

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News :: International Relations

9.11 Investigation: Portland Indymedia Interviews Mike Ruppert

portland indymedia interviews with independent journalist and 9.11 researcher, Mike Ruppert, 13-14 April 2002

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News :: Crime & Police

Bush Daddy's Third Reich

Regal poopheads! The whole lot of them!

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

What Are YOU Doing Tomorrow?

in this world, we only possess one thing, our lives. in this world, what are you doing with yours?

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Announcement :: Peace

A20: Unitarian Universalists For Justice And Peace

Unitarian Universalists from around the country will be gathering April 20th to join the broad coalition and cross section of people protesting U.S. war policies.

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Commentary :: International Relations

US Playing Russian Roulette With Palestinians

The United States of America is organizing another international conference in the Middle East. This one, sadly, emerges as a result of the destruction of Palestinian society by Israel. By doing so, the US is setting itself up for a political and security failure, yet again. The first US failure was called Oslo, where the Palestinian leadership was lured into a US-sponsored 'peace process' that has led to the intentional obliteration of Palestinian cities and dismantling of Palestinian leadership and the Palestinian Authority.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights


They are trying by means of a plot to arrest or to kill the chairman of TAYAD Tekin Tangun.

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

The Debate Is On At

The moderators of would like to invite everyone to join this growing discussion. In our first month, we have had over 2000 visitors and posted over 200 comments on the Revolutionary Communist Party's Draft Programme and revolutionary strategy in the U.S.

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News :: Peace

Sharon :: Already 508.717 Signatures Online

there are needed 1.000.000

last 24h more than 30.000 signatures

let's put Sharon on the just started international court!!!
let's see if that court is a joke or not

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