Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Peace

A20: Unitarian Universalists For Justice And Peace

Unitarian Universalists from around the country will be gathering April 20th to join the broad coalition and cross section of people protesting U.S. war policies.
As part of a large coalition and cross section of people, Unitarian Universalists will be rallying and marching on Saturday to protest for a U.S. foreign policy based upon social and economic justice, not military and corporate oppression, an end to racial profiling and military recruitment targeting youth of color and working class youth, government funding for programs to benefit the economic victims of the 9-11 attacks and the recession, an end to the degrading and secret imprisonment of immigrants, increased funding for non-military-based financial aid for education, full disclosure of military contracts with universities. We will be gathering on Saturday April, 20th outside the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum at 10AM. The museum is located at 100 Raul Wallenberg Place, SW Washington DC. It is on the Metro Subway line: Smithsonian (orange/blue lines), one block from the Museum. The Metro stations and the route to the Museum via subway are accessible to wheelchair users. Follow subway directions to the Museum at Independence Ave. and 14th St. web link

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