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LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Need Ride From Baltimore To Boston For Festival Del Pueblo

friend and i need ride; would like to be in boston by the 30th.

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News :: Peace


This is the second of a five-part photoessay documenting the protests in Washington, DC on Saturday, April 20. The second photoessay focuses on the morning protest outside of the Washington Hilton where Palestinians and many others gathered to protest Israel's racist and murderous oppression of the Palestinians. The photoessay essay finishes off after the march begins towards the IMF and World Bank.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Turkey: Lives In Danger - Let's Stop The Conspiracy!

A conspiracy is being hatched
OZKAN GUZEL was taken into custody
FERHAT ERTURK could be executed, TEKIN TANGUN arrested

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LOCAL Commentary :: Protest Activity

Signs Of The Times

What messages were sent by the rally on April 20? This is a personal look at what I saw.

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LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

April 22 Street Protest In Support Of The Palestinians

The last protest of the weekend of protests on the situation in Palestine, IMF/World Bank policies, and Plan Colombia was a street party, with a large police presence.

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Commentary :: Media

Coverage Of A20 In Local Corporate Media

They got the facts right, but the story wrong. In coverage that discounts the solidarity evident in the largest pro-Palestinian demonstration in U.S. history, The Washington Post and The Baltimore Sun portray A20 demonstrations as peaceful but anti-Semitic, united but competitive, alienating of mainstream America but super police-friendly.

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LOCAL News :: Right Wing

Aryan Nations In York: Profile Of A Fizzle

This organization, which used to command legions across the globe, can hardly muster up the strength among what they have left to even support its founder and the white powers scene's most prominent figures when he comes to speak.

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Commentary :: Right Wing

When Hate Groups Come To Town

What should you do when hate groups stage a demonstration, especially when groups come to town specifically to demonstrate? The answer to this forces us to wrestle with the meaning of violence. It forces us to consider how we go about building an egalitarian society. It impels us to take a stand, even though we can't fully resolve the issues. There is no packaged response.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Right Wing

Unfinished Business (in York)

Anti-Racist Action leaflet for April 20 in York, PA. Unfinished business, a thank you note to York, questioning the '69 prosecutions, don't trust the police, be sure who your enemies are, anti-racists get a ride on the railroad, World's Apart interview with ARA, shutdown the National Alliance in DC on May 11, and why we fight!

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LOCAL News :: Right Wing

Woe To The Poor Aryan Soldier!

The second nazi rally in 4 months in York, PA draws less than twenty. The power of militant direct action against fascist organizing is demonstrated in the retreat of several fascist groups who refused to return to York after being physically run out of town on January 12. Never let them have the streets.

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