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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Broad Coalition Working To Derail Fast Track Legislation In U.S. Senate

Although likely to pass, opponents have strategy to defeat bill in House. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Patrick Woodall, research director with Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch.

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News :: International Relations

CSN Banner For Olympic Action

Activists are invited to use this banner for the China Support Network action to "take back the Olympics" of 2008

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News :: International Relations

Human Rights And All Activists Addressed...

An open letter of the China Support Network to all activists and human rights groups

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News :: International Relations


A leak of Chinese secrets is "a smoking gun" and prompts our demand to move the Olympics

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News :: Miscellaneous

Joseph Ferrante, The Musician That The Beatles Blocked For 12 Long Years

The Vilest Conspiracy In Music History

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News :: Protest Activity

Original Woodstock Site Threatened By Corporate Interests

In Bethel, NY, the town where the original Woodstock festival took place in 1969, is now being threatened by corporate interests who want to bulldoze the site and turn it into an off-limits area for those who wish to see the site where the legendary event took place. We can put a stop to this if enough people are aware of it. Pass the word around!

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News :: Globalization

Bush Daddy Gathering

It'll be like a company picnic gone awry.

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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

Glendening Declares Death Penalty Moratorium

The Quixote Center has announced that Governor Glendening has declared a moratorium on the use of a death penalty citing racial bias in its use. This action comes just one week before Wesley Baker was scheduled to be executed

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News :: Labor

UMass Amherst Resident Assistants Fight Union-busting


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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

The Strange Convergence Of Affirmative Action And Immigration Policy In America

When the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 were passed, they were seen as triumphs of liberal reform applauded by the majority of Americans. But today, as Hugh Graham shows in Collision Course, affirmative action is foundering in the great waves of immigration from Asia and Latin America, leading to direct conflict for jobs, housing, education, and government preference programs.

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