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Broad Coalition Working To Derail Fast Track Legislation In U.S. Senate

Although likely to pass, opponents have strategy to defeat bill in House. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Patrick Woodall, research director with Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch.
Broad Coalition Working to Derail Fast Track Legislation in U.S. Senate

Although likely to pass, opponents have strategy to defeat bill in House

Interview by Between The Lines' Scott Harris

Last December, the House of Representatives approved by a one-vote margin the Trade Promotion Authority bill opposed by many labor, environmental and human rights activists. The legislation, more commonly known as "Fast Track," is now being considered by the U.S. Senate and is designed to grant the president authority to negotiate future international trade deals with minimal debate and in Congress with no chance for legislators to propose corrective amendments.

If signed into law, Fast Track will enable the White House to expedite approval of the controversial Free Trade Area of the Americas treaty. The FTAA, like the North American Free Trade Agreement, has been criticized for the lack of labor or environmental standards and the power it surrenders to corporations. Although passage in the Senate is likely, a broad coalition of groups opposed to Fast Track are promoting several amendments that they say will defend worker's rights and protect public health, safety and environmental regulations.

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Patrick Woodall, research director with Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, who discusses what's at stake in the current campaign to defeat fast track trade legislation(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found at

Contact Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch by calling (202) 546-4996 or visit their Web site at
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