Download A Powerful Anti-war Poster

We created a poster that is spreading around the world and can be downloaded by accessing
The poster features a powerful Alan Pogue photograph of an Iraqi girl who was injured in a US bombing raid south of Basra in April, 1999.
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News :: Gender and Sexuality
Soul Force Prayer Vigil At US Capitol In Protest Against US Catholic Bishops Conference 11nov2
12 Nov 2002
EXB Protest Photography
In WDC this week at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill Soulforce is protesting outside of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops for the 3rd year in a row. After an 8am Liturgy each day from 10 until 11 they will march onto the US Capitol for a Prayer Vigil an then return to the Hyatt which is just a few blocks away for a "God's Gay Children Bring Gifts - Bless Them!" Protest where baskets of gifts are delivered to the bishops for 'blessing'. And then at 4pm on Monday and 6p on Tuesday and Wednesday they will close the day with another Liturgy.
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Announcement :: Media
New Video: Guerrilla Video Primer
12 Nov 2002
Cascadia Media Collective
The Cascadia Media Collective's Guerrilla Video Primer will inform, inspire and entertain!
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Announcement :: Activism
Worldwide Week Of Action Against The War, Dec 14-21!
The week of the 14-21 of december a worldwide week of action has been called.So we are calling on all those who oppose this damned war that is getting waged on Irag, or just oppose this damned system in general ORGANIZE IN SOLIDARITY!
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News :: Latin America
Thousands To Expose Double Standard In War On Terrorism
11 Nov 2002
Matthew Smucker, SOA Watch
Massive Convergence at Ft. Benning, Georgia, November 15-17 to Close the School of the Americas
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News :: Peace
Veterans Day . Vietnam Veterans War Memorial WDC . Saturday, 9nov2 PHOTOs
09 Nov 2002
EXB Protest Photography
This marks the 20th anniversary of the Vietnam War Veterans Memorial which is located in Constitution Gardens in NW WDC. Since '92 I have documented various aspects of "Veterans' Day" celebrations at "The Wall". The photos that appear in this photoessay represent some of those that were taken by me yesterday on Saturday, 9nov2. Monday is the offiicail hoilday.
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Ten Disgusting Things About Corporations
09 Nov 2002
Rich Zubaty
Fast fact sheet about how corporations ruin our lives
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Bowling For Columbine
A review of Michael Moore's latest film "Bowling for Columbine." The film attempts to situate the tragic murders at Columbine High School in the context of a culture of fear and violence in the United States.
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News :: Peace
Have A Last Stroke & Die (Nov.5, 2002 Version)
09 Nov 2002
Adrian More
Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.
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