News :: Gender and Sexuality
Soul Force Prayer Vigil At US Capitol In Protest Against US Catholic Bishops Conference 11nov2
In WDC this week at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill Soulforce is protesting outside of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops for the 3rd year in a row. After an 8am Liturgy each day from 10 until 11 they will march onto the US Capitol for a Prayer Vigil an then return to the Hyatt which is just a few blocks away for a "God's Gay Children Bring Gifts - Bless Them!" Protest where baskets of gifts are delivered to the bishops for 'blessing'. And then at 4pm on Monday and 6p on Tuesday and Wednesday they will close the day with another Liturgy.
These photos were taken on Monday, 11nov2, at the SoulForce Prayer Vigil at the steps of the US Capitol where they prayed for the nation and to alert, educate, and mobilize the community. For more detailed information regarding SoulForce or the USCCB Protest click onto the following sites:
Elvert Xavier Barnes Protest Photography & 'Writings On The Wall'
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