Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: Labor

Duluth, MN Central Labor Council Anti-War Resolution

Duluth, Minnesota Central Labor Council goes on record as strenuously opposing the Bush administration's march toward war with Iraq without the direction of the United Nations.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

BTL:The Pentagon's Total Information Awareness Program Evokes Specter Of...

...Big Brother. Interview with Gabe Rottman, of the American Civil Liberties Union, conducted by Between The Lines'Scott Harris

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Ever Reviled Records Presents

The Biggest Counter-Culture Show To Land On God's Green Earth!

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LOCAL News :: Peace

22 American Cities Have Passed Anti-War Resolutions

To date, 22 American cities have passed anti-war resolutions

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LOCAL News :: Elections & Legislation


28 people spoke for the Resolution. No one spoke against it.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Protest Activity

Philip Berrigan--An Unyielding Force For Justice

In a personal memoir, the author pays tribute to Phil Berrigan and his pursuit of peace and social justice.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Stop Consumerism And War

Call to Action 12.21 Strike against consumerism and war at Harborplace, Baltimore, MD 10:00 AM

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LOCAL News :: Labor

Out Of The Nursery, Into The Streets

AHDAleader.jpgA dozen members of Baltimore's American Home Daycare Association stormed Maryland state offices today demanding immediate payment.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Equal Rights, Equal Responsibilities

A simple way to end slavery and save the world from the death-industrial complex....

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LOCAL Announcement :: Right Wing

World Church Of The Creator, Neo-nazis To Have Hate Speech In Baltimore County

WCOTC leader Matt Hale to speak at Rosedale library in Baltimore County.

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