Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Right Wing

World Church Of The Creator, Neo-nazis To Have Hate Speech In Baltimore County

WCOTC leader Matt Hale to speak at Rosedale library in Baltimore County.
Taken from
When: Saturday, December 14th, from 12:00pm to 2:00pm

Where: Rosedale Library, 6105 Kenwood Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21237
Directions: Click Here for a Map (MapQuest)

Who: Reverend Matt Hale, the leader of the Church, and Reverend John King, State Leader of Virginia, will be speaking. Contact Reverend King at virginia (at) IF you plan to attend AND for additional information.

NOTE: Members of other pro-White organizations are likewise invited to attend. The meeting is sponsored by Reverend King who was born and raised in the Baltimore area. The title of Reverend Hale's speech will be "White Power or Ruin".

Now, folks from Baltimore, are we going to let them come, let them speak and let their followers (this happens at all of his speeched) run around causing terror to the neighborhood? I know for a fact that The Rosedale Library is in exactly the kind of neighborhood he shouldn't be speaking in. He'll be surrounded by people he hates, and people who thus likewise have a dislike for him. Baltimore kicked their asses in August, and likewise, it should happen again.

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