Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: International Relations

Lidded subjects!

Sometimes it's really hard for our dear leader to dispose his lidded subjects.

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Announcement :: Crime & Police

MD Moratorium overturned

Ehrlich overturns moratorium. Baltimore County prosecutors seek death warrant against Steven Oken. Execution set for the week of March 17th.

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News :: Peace

'War is NOT the answer' - International Peace Forum in Turkey

Peace activists from Britain, Greece, Germany, Israel, Sweden, USA, and Yugoslavia, and are meeting in Istanbul to voice their opposition to the war plans on Iraq. The Turkish government has not yet given permission to the U.S.A for the use of its bases, and deployment of U.S forces.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Crime & Police

"Political Policing" and the Deaths of the Dawson Family

Eric Easton, a community activist in the Resevoir Hill neighborhood, comments on policing in Baltimore City and the tragic deaths of the Dawson family.

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Interview :: U.S. Government

Michel Chossudovsky: The 911 Commission, War And The Criminal State // AUDIO MP3

Guns And Butter Radio: Michel Chossudovsky Interview: “The 911 Commission, War And The Criminal State”; mp3 files

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Commentary :: Peace

BTL:As International Peace Movement Gains Momentum, Bush Prepares to...

...Launch War Against Iraq. Interview with Phyllis Bennis, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Scott Harris

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News :: Protest Activity

January 18 Protest Against War in Iraq: A Photoessay

More than 200,000 protested the Bush Administration's plans for war against Iraq. Speakers/performers included actor Jessica Lange, Reverend Jesse Jackson, and the rock bank Chumbawumba. The protest was festive, yet serious with participants coming from across the U.S. and around the world. Indymedia offers a photoessay to give a sense of the protest's diversity. (Photos by Abby Anzalone, Howard Ehrlich, Laura Goren, Ted Russell)

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News :: International Relations

To be in the know!

If we would not have the perspective, who else could have?

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Announcement :: Peace

Lysistrata Project

A theatrical at of dissent

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News :: International Relations

War in Burma

It is not only Iraq.

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