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Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous

DC and Bethesda Events: William Pepper on: An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King

Here are the dates for the author's speaking tour and a nice collection of audio/video files

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News :: Protest Activity

The Great IMF Famine of 2003

The death toll of the secret war being waged silently against the poor of the world will reach close to 40 million while the world is kept distracted by the Iraq war and the poorest nations on earth maintain their interest payments on their paltry loans in the midst of one of the most devastating famines of modern times.

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Announcement :: Protest Activity

Worldwide Coalition for Impeachment

It's time to act jointly now!
Against crime on the humanity.

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News :: Elections & Legislation

A town meeting in Pine Bluff Arkansas

The world is now, contrary to reports, in a depression which
is worse than that of 1929-33. The United States is hard hit. The nations of Europe, and the Americas, are all hard hit. Under the present circumstances, and present policies, there will never be an economic recovery in the United States. Under present national policies, a deep crash, worsening, is inevitable. However, that can be cured.

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News :: Globalization

Bush Daddy Headache

The headache backfires!

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LOCAL Commentary :: Media

Response to NPR's Scott Simon's and Daniel Shore's Caricature of the Peace Movement

John Lawrence, former activist with Baltimore Action for Justice in the Americas, responds to bias commentary on the anti-war movement presented on National Public Radio (NPR).

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LOCAL Commentary :: Peace : War in Iraq

The Impending War on Iraq: An Attack on Peace, Democracy and Security

John Lawrence, a former activist with Baltimore Action for Justice in the Americas, reflects on the United States drive for war against Iraq.

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

BTL: Campaign to Impeach President Bush Will Require Broad Public Support

Interview with Francis Boyle, University of Illinois law professor, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

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Commentary :: Protest Activity

The Campaign to Impeach George W. Bush

For there is always both seed time and harvest, a time to plant and then a time to sow, a time such as this, when the berries are ripening on the bush, and the grapes of wrath hang heavily on the vines.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

i refuse (song/audio) - in solidarity with refuseniks

a new composition by ofek in solidarity with conscientious objectors, refuseniks, and all active non-cooperators of the occupation forces in palestine and elsewhere

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