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The Great IMF Famine of 2003

The death toll of the secret war being waged silently against the poor of the world will reach close to 40 million while the world is kept distracted by the Iraq war and the poorest nations on earth maintain their interest payments on their paltry loans in the midst of one of the most devastating famines of modern times.
The Great IMF Famine of 2003

The death toll of the secret war being waged silently against the poor of the world will reach close to 40 million while the world is kept distracted by the Iraq war and the poorest nations on earth maintain their interest payments on their paltry loans in the midst of one of the most devastating famines of modern times. The country of Eritrea is about to disappear from the map of the world as 70 per cent of the population is at risk, and food is about to run out, and none is on the way. This famine has been developing for over a year now, so there was plenty of warning and these human beings could have been saved for even two per cent of the estimated 50 billion dollars in bribe money the Americans are paying to buy votes in the United Nations for their little war...

Beautiful Lyrics from Sarah McLachlan's Solace CD

Back Door Man

You open your eyes, look around
You feel the earth it wanders out
Out, from under your feet - the ground
is not firm but soft and weak - like skin
under the touch, cannot stop to falter
Now, the damage is done, the certainties gone
the spirits altered

and now the angry morning
gives the early signs of warning
You must face alone the plans you made
decisions they will try to break

Our hands are tied on the table
Maybe you can try at the back door man
While the helpless line up on the doorsteps
And its all they can do to try to get through


They're crowded into the smallest spaces
While outside all of nature cries
It's known to be cruel and unfair
But there is no place to hide

Oh, I've seen a part of people that I never
really wanted to share
Oh I've seen a part of people that I never
knew was there

Shelter - give them shelter from the coming storm
Shelter - give them shelter from the coming storm

I can't sleep, I'm haunted by their faces
The sadness in their eyes
It hurts so much to see them helpless
It makes me want to cry
But still there is so much left unanswered
For so many innocent lives
They've closed the doors and are letting nobody in
And only the strong will survive

Shelter - give them shelter from the coming storm
Shelter - give them shelter from the coming storm

I've seen the anger and I've seen all the dreams
I've watched as their existence is torn apart at the seams
And though I may seem helpless
I will do all that I can do

Oh, I've seen a part of people that I never
really wanted to share
Oh I've seen a part of people that I never
knew was there

Shelter - give them shelter from the coming storm
Shelter - give them shelter from the coming storm

Sarah McLachlan's Eden Song

Mother teach me to walk again
Milk and Honey so intoxicating

Into the fire
I'm reunited
into the fire
I am the spark
Into the fire
I yearn for comfort

Open the doors that lead on into Eden
No more cheap disguise
Follow the signs marked back to the beginning
No more compromise
I will stare into the sun until its light doesn't blind me
I will walk into the fire until its heat doesn't burn me
And I will feed the fire

The Campaign to Impeach George W. Bush

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