LOCAL News :: Activism
Anti-War Momentum Surges
Baltimore Arrests and Rallies: Week ends with arrests and rallies in response to the war. Friday's peaceful civil disobedience action organized by Iraq Pledge of Resistance culminated in 40 arrests adding to over 1,000 arrests since the start of the war nationwide. On Saturday March 22 a community/labor car caravan and rally ended in West Baltimore at Unity Methodist Church on Edmondson Avenue. Over 75 people attended and listened to diverse speakers.
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News :: Activism
Bush/Blair Blindsided by Racism, Arrogance and other Articles now at Frontlines
25 Mar 2003
Frontlines Newspaper
Frontlines, the newspaper of the left, now publishes daily news and analysis of interest for the antiwar and left wing activists.
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Announcement :: International Relations
Move United Nations Headquarters to Geneva!
24 Mar 2003
John Sigler
We've started a global citizen campaign calling for the United Nations to relocate its headquarters to Geneva until the United States expresses a willingness to abide by its obligations under the United Nations Charter and in protest to the illegal aggression against Iraq.
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News :: International Relations : War in Iraq
"There is a possibility that the fabrication of these
documents may be part of a larger deception campaign aimed at
manipulating public opinion and foreign policy regarding Iraq,"
Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV) wrote to FBI Director Robert Mueller on March 13.
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News :: Protest Activity
Great Arab Victory Means End of USA is Near: A Quagmire Tomb!
24 Mar 2003
35 US mercenary soldiers (war criminals) have been killed or captured in Southern Iraq. The US has lost 4 or 5 multimillion-dollar attack helicopters, including an Apache helicopter captured intact.. Two or three US jet fighter bombers have been shot down and numerous aircraft have been damaged or rendered useless by the wind-blown sand.
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Special Report: Exposing the 50-50 Lie Propaganda Technique
24 Mar 2003
Cheryl Seal
In the mainstream coverage of the Iraq war and anti-war protests, disinformation is the name of the game.
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS MARCH 24: Anti-propaganda Media Analysis
24 Mar 2003
Cheryl Seal
As the Bush War escalates, so does the intensity of propaganda cranked out by the corporate media. Voices that counter the onslaught of disinformation are desperately needed. Thus this hastily-constructed "Media MASH UNIT" is dedicated to providing life support to the first casualty of war: TRUTH.
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS, MARCH 22-23:. Anti-propaganda media analysis
24 Mar 2003
Cheryl Seal
As the Bush War escalates, so does the intensity of propaganda cranked out by the corporate media. Voices that counter the onslaught of disinformation are desperately needed. Thus this hastily-constructed "Media MASH UNIT" is dedicated to providing life support to the first casualty of war: TRUTH.
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Marching on Babylon: Is Bush Acting Out an Elaborate Religious Fantasy thru War?
24 Mar 2003
Cheryl Seal
Is this war really about the oil? Or are Bush and his core support block of rightwing religious fanatics turning the world into a stage for acting out an elaborate "Armageddon" fantasy?
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News :: Peace
Like the glory days in Vietnam and Somalia
24 Mar 2003
starve out and die with thirst the cities
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