CHILLING DEJA VU: A Premonitive July, 2001 Hitler Comparison Revisted
27 Mar 2003
Cheryl Seal
When this essay comparing Hitler's rise to power with Bush, and the tactics of the present GOP with the 1930s Nazis and Stalin's communist regime was first published in July, 2001, I was the recipient of a flood of hate mail and even a couple of death threats from militant rightwingers. But the comparison hit home: the article has been been circulating all over the world, reprinted in at least five languages. Unlike the lame, even bizarre comparisons rightwingers try to make between Clinton, Dean, et al. and Hitler, the similarity between Bush's regime and the rise of the Nazis is REAL and has evoked a shock of recognition in readers - or, as the title says, a "Chilling Déja Vu."
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Announcement :: Media
updated media hub
collection of underground anti- invasion news sources
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Announcement :: Media
media hub
27 Mar 2003

collection of underground anti- invasion news sources
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Stressed US Troops Grow Brutal, Civilian Casualties Climb, Tommy Franks' Patton Fantasy
27 Mar 2003
Cheryl Seal
.......and this one is no different.
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What a Gas
27 Mar 2003
Paul F. Heller
Think you're paying too much for gas right now? Look around, maybe you are.
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BTL:Iraq War Sets Off Growing Anger Toward U.S. in Arab World
27 Mar 2003
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Interview with Hussein Ibish, communications director with the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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News :: Activism
Streets of Tokyo Erupt in Antiwar Fervor
26 Mar 2003
John Cassidy

As the U.S. began its bombing of Iraq, hundreds of thousands protested around the world and in the U.S. Former Baltimore activist John Cassidy reports on anti-war activism in and around Tokyo, Japan.
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News :: Urban Development
DC Squat Raided
26 Mar 2003
Jamie "Bork" Loughner
More then 30 homeless evicted with many arrested in large squat raid in this winter.
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News :: Media
WarTools: Big Brother, we are watching you
26 Mar 2003
With the blatant pro-war bias of corporate media giants getting so much attention now in independent media, here's an interesting way to make your voice heard.
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