News :: Peace
Cash check!
Decapitation Attack
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Thousands of innocent civilian people you have killed since 9/11. Thousands you kill now. Two years you disturbed the world with bogus proofs about an harassment. Till now you have not one of chemical and biological weapons found. But no matter now, you have found a new pretty argument for your war. The grand liberation with Decapitation Attack and clusterbombs 'Democracy Bombing'
You have arrested till now 50 members of Al Kaida and 1700 Americans remonstrative against the war. Protester got shoot by rubber bullets in Spain because of you and students more precisely kids in germany was beat down and cultivated with water cannons. Worlwide there will be thrashed and arrested.
You trample under foot the Geneva Convention for years and you disgustedly demand it by others.
Is this the democracy and freedom you have invented for the iraqi people?
Time for pay-back Mr. Bush