News :: Activism
PLEASE ACT NOW: Boycott for Peace - let the corporations know!
19 Apr 2003
Liz Snyder

A little sleuthing on Google gave me these individual emails (real people) for major companies being targeted in the Boycott. These are the VPs, CEOs, and spin doctors of the greedy creeps that donate their dollars to Bush and his cronies year after year. Please send these lovely folks an email to let them know how you feel (see my sample letter for inspiration).
Just take the five minutes it takes to do this, and we'll have 'em all shaking in their $800 cowboy boots.
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BTL:Lawsuit Charges Coca-Cola with Complicity in Attacks on...
19 Apr 2003
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...Colombian Union Activists Interview. with Terry Collingsworth, executive director of the International Labor Rights Fund, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
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Announcement :: Activism
19 Apr 2003
New Brunswick Anarchist Union
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Bechtel's New Iraq Contract Just the Last Stage in a Scheme 20 Years in the Making
18 Apr 2003
Cheryl Seal
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The War Business
18 Apr 2003
Douglas Mattern
There is no possibility for peace without eliminating the war business and the "merchants of death" who profit from it.
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Review :: War in Iraq
The Anti War Movement: Why, How and Where
18 Apr 2003
Forpe Aceone Arth
Constructive Criticism of the ANti War Movement: To a movement that is based on ideals of democracy, and that has constantly attacked the current administration for not listening to dissenting voices – to the voices of people – I am sure that such criticism will be welcomed. I present this criticism with the hope that it will lead to the evolution of stronger democracies within communities, of greater involvement by the citizens of USA in issues of equality, peace and justice.
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Peabody Coal Co. Barons Top Cheney's Secret Energy Task Force List
18 Apr 2003
Cheryl Seal
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BTL:Iraq War and its Aftermath Sanitized by Shallow Corporate Media Coverage
18 Apr 2003
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Interview with Robert Jensen, professor of journalism at the University of Texas at Austin, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police
Update: Critical Mass Four
17 Apr 2003
Chuck D'Adamo
April 17 was the arraignment of four bicyclists arrested at the March 28 Critical Mass anti-war protest. A brief report.
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