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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police

Update: Critical Mass Four

April 17 was the arraignment of four bicyclists arrested at the March 28 Critical Mass anti-war protest. A brief report.
A free jazz trio played at the corner of Hartford Road and North Avenue--their instruments a copper pipe connected to yellow plastic and blue flexible tubing, a trumphet, of sorts, and keyboard mounted on a portable speaker. The players, masked, accompanied about 20 protesters holding signs stating "BELIEVE Police Testimony!", "Police Serve and Protect Property, Not People!"

April 17 was the arraignment date for three of the four Critical Mass activists arrested on March 28. Indymedia reported on this event which witnesses reported as an aggressive police response to a peaceful protest of the U.S. war on Iraq. Today, James Johnston, Frank McCraw, and Todd Spault made choices on how to deal with their legal situation. Their charges included second-degree assault, disorderly conduct, and obstructing a police officer. The maximum penalty could be 10 years and $25,000.

According to the defendants, they were the victims. But choices had to be made in the court of Judge Hutchins. James Johnston requested a trial which is set for May 16. Frank McCraw accepted a deal--$150 and "probation before judgment" expungeable in three years. Todd Spault accepted a deal--24 hours community service with no record.

Spault told Indymedia that "there was much interest in a civil suit. I'm most frustrated about accepting a deal because [what happened to me] was that one cop threw a bicycle at me, then another came up from behind me and arrested me." According to Spault, there are many witnesses to what happened. Indymedia will follow this case.

For Indymedia's March 29 report see .

See also the report from Portland Indymedia on the lawsuit of anti-war activists against the City of Portland in a police brutality case:

See also the report by Anna Ditkoff in the City Paper .

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