Announcement :: Media
PETITION: Stop Censoring IndyMedia from Google News
21 May 2003

Please endorse the 'Stop Censoring IndyMedia from Google News' Petition and tell your friends
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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD
Living Wage Law Violated
21 May 2003
Curtis Cooper
The first complaints have been filed under the city's living wage law.
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News :: [none]
A Conspiracy of Hope
21 May 2003
Jean Cushman

May 18, 2003. A panel discussion held at Huebeck Hall on Goucher College’s campus, discussed Phil Berrigan’s legacy, the Catonsville 9 action and the “future of non-violent resistance.”
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
21 May 2003
NTAC Media
For the second time, Sen. John Warner (R-VA), chairman of the Armed Services Committee, has delayed consideration of the promotion of an Army general who commanded the base where one soldier beat a fellow soldier to death. The decision drew praise from the National Transgender Advocacy Coalition (NTAC), which also requested that the general’s promotion be removed from further consideration.
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Announcement :: Activism
new doc., THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND, opens 6/4 in NYC
On 6/4, THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND, a new documentary about the 70s radicals who tried to overthrow the US gov't, comes to Film Forum in NYC.
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Decoding Media Propaganda: "An Introductory Course"
news and notes from inside the Bush Reich
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The DLC blasts Activists…Time to Fight Back!
Take Action, let the DLC now that it is the lack of “backbone” that has allowed Bush to get away with whatever he wants. We need a Democrat who stands up for what is right, and doesn’t take the safe road. Let them know that since the day they were given leadership positions in the party, there has been no unified message and the Republicans have continued to increase their grip on power.
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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Miscellaneous : Protest Activity
MTA fares increase protest report
20 May 2003
Scott Loughrey (repost)
About 75 people signed up to testify about the proposed public transportation rate hikes after a a very spirited picket line in front of the state office building with the hearing room.
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Belgian Activist Who Won Convictions in Rwandan War Crimes Case Goes After Bush Administration
19 May 2003
Cheryl Seal
Corrected html (earlier version improperly formatted)
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