News :: Middle East
Detained Palestinian Goes to OAS to Charge US with Rights Violation
30 May 2003
Committee for the Release of Farouk Abdel-Muhti
Palestinian activist Farouk Abdel-Muhti, detained by US immigration authorities for more than a year, is filing a human rights violation petition with the OAS's human rights commission.
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BTL:UN Ends Sanctions on Iraq, Giving US/UK Open-Ended Occupation Authority
30 May 2003
Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Interview with Joy Gordon, Fairfield University philosophy professor, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
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BTL:Middle East Roadmap for Peace May Lead to a Dead End
29 May 2003
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Interview with Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun Magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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Announcement :: Activism
Four Days of Action Against Bechtel and the Corporate Invasion of Iraq: June 1 - June 5, 2003
Activists in San Francisco are organizing four days of action against war profiteer, Bechtel! Join us, flyer your community, inform your comrades! Flyers available at: and let us know!
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Mumia's New Attorneys Ask to Question Attorney Leonard Weinglass
28 May 2003
Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu Jamal

Attorneys for death row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal asked the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to order Mumia's prior Chief Counsel Leonard Weinglass to answer under oath 112 questions concerning charges that he was responsible for the "intentional burying of evidence that proves Appellant Jamal's 'actual innocence' of the crime of which he has been convicted."
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News :: Peace
27 May 2003
Pit Stop Ploughshares
The Nuremberg Principles are the basis for our demand that individuals seeking to prevent crimes against peace and humanity not be criminalized by the state. Please sign and circulate.
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News :: Media
Howard Dean Blasts FCC
27 May 2003
Presidential Candidate Howard Dean today wrote to FCC Chairman Michael Powell, urging the FCC to avoid further deregulation of the American media. The text of the letter:
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Pop Quiz on This Week's Sorry Excuse for News and Government
27 May 2003
Cheryl Seal
News, notes, and nonsense from inside the Bush Reich
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