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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Pop Quiz on This Week's Sorry Excuse for News and Government

News, notes, and nonsense from inside the Bush Reich

1. What should the US do about a place that swears they have no weapons of mass destruction lying around - swears they are "clean," only to have 2,000 tons of the stuff surface much later?

( A) Declare triumphantly you finally have the proof you always KNEW was there, (B). Bomb them into the dark ages, (C) Cut off their supply lines and starve them to death, (D) Replace all their leaders with Bush administration appointees, (E) Send Billy Graham, Jr. and Pat Robertson in to convert them (F) Send Halliburton and Bechtel in to rebuild

The answer: none of the above. Why? Because the "place" we are talking about is Ft. Detrick Maryland. However, if we had been talking about Iraq, the answer is : "all of the above."

Ft.Detrick Unearths Hazardous Surprises (you will note that this story is buried under "Metro News" rather than being listed under World or National Section - and the biological warfare agents found - including live pathogens - described in the headline merely as "hazardous surprises")

2. If you were a corporate CEO looking to hire a manager to oversee your entire operation overseas in an unstable, largely Muslim "district" where the locals are highly suspicious of corrupt American corporations and Zionism, would you look for someone who was:

( A). a confessed liar, widely known for corruption at the highest levels, (B) an evangelical Christian,( C) someone with strong ties to Zionists, and (D) an intriguer involved in past destabilization schemes.

The answer: All of the above, if you're talking about G.W. Bush, CEO of the United States of Exxon-Halliburton-Bechtel and "manager" Elliot Abrams

"BACK IN POLITICAL FOREFRONT" (This story in the online edition was dropped down to the bottom under "Also in today's Post" while the article describes Abrams as a "casualty of Iran Contra" - like describing Osama Bin Laden as a "casualty of Al Queda.")

3. If you are looking for a judge to preside over a court that will oversee cases from a highly racially diverse communit in whicn 60% of the residents describe themselves as moderate or liberal while at most 15% describe themselves as ultraconservative, and nearly 100% of whom have expressed concerns about government abuses of power and lack of protection from domestic terrorism, would you chose a judge who:

(A.) Fought hard to protect the "rights" of a bigot who burned a cross on a black family's lawn, (B) Abused his power by trying to pressure friends in Washington to intervene on behalf of a bigot, (C) Is outraged when terrorists are given stiff sentences.

Answer: All of the above if you are G. W. Bush, your community is the Federal 5th Circuit District, the judge you have nominated is Charles W. Pickering and the act of terrorism Pickering condoned was the burning of a cross on an interracial couple's lawn - yet people now face indefinite detention, tribunals and execution just for SUSPICION of terrorism??

"JUDGE'S FATE COULD TURN ON 1994 CASE" (Note how "cross-burning" is left out of the headline and replaced with ho-hum "1994 Case.")

4. If you are the editor of a major newspaper that is viewed by most as the lifeline to what is really happening at the national level and you discover that there is strong evidence that the hormones used in American beef cattle may be causing breast cancer in some of the millions of women who consume it, would you:

(A) send one of your best investigative reporters out to get the facts, (B) Run a series of stories on your medical page on breast cancer and all of the possible risk factors, including beef hormones. (C) Cover the story up by running several semi-hysterical stories about one Canadian beefer with mad cow disease

Answer: C - that is if you are the "Washington Post."

(mad cow reports in Post are ongoing, with the latest appearing today (May 27 as a warning about dog food - that one cow seems to have covered more territory than the loaves and fishes during the Sermon on the Mount!)


5. If you are the top network television news expected to keep your 13 million or so viewers informed on issues of corporate corruption that may effect a high percentage of them and you know that the ENRON case is now actively being investigated, while the main figure in the case, Kenneth Lay continues to go uncharged, do you:

(A) Send your best business reporter out to cover the case, charging him with returning regular reports, (B) Try to make the story disappear by ignoring it completely, (C) Be ready to air an exhaustive and explosive investigative report that has been in the works since the case first broke, (D) Every time something new develops in the Enron case, run a story on Martha Stewart's unsubstantiated case (E) Be ready to run both a news digest feature AND a movie on Martha Stewart the week a wave of new indictments in the case are announced.

Answer: B,D and E - that is if you are NBC.


6. If you are the head of a major corporation and you know that on a given day, your board of directors will not only be deciding whether or not to audit some of your friends on suspicion of misuse of company funds, but that a hotshot prosecutor in another town is getting ready to file a class action suit against one of your hand-picked righthand men, you:

(A) Do the right thing, confess any wrongdoing and offer to resign, (B) Secretly arrange for a fire drill to occur in the mddle of the board's meeting, (C) Call for a press conference to openly address all the charges, (D) Call in favors to your pals in the news media and ask them to keep all this "stuff" out of the news. (E) Thumb your nose at the board and the prosecutor, offer the righthand man a promotion, then push through your plan to give more company funds away to you rich friends.

Answer: B, D, and E - that is if you happen to be G. W. Bush. The day in question: last Wednesday, May 21, The "board" is the District Court, who handed down a new wave of ENRON indictments in mid-May, including the week of the 21st. The "right hand" man is Tommy Franks, the hotshot lawer in another town is Jan Fermon in Brussels, who officially filed a war crimes suit against Franks on May 21. The "fire drill" was the code orange alert called on May 21, while the plan to give more company funds away to the rich friends is the tax cut, passed

ENRON exec Andrew Fastow skips Court date in wake of new indictments, May 19

May 21 2003 is the anniversary of the day the senate subpoenaed the White House for documents showing the connection between Bush and Ken Lay. The bulk of those records have yet to be delivered and/or revealed to the public.


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