Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

The Supreme Court is Repealing Democracy

The anti-anti-sodomy decision was just another sanctimonious display of destroying state sovereignty even further under the illusion of advancing individual rights. Nothing good will come of the decision...

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Announcement :: Activism

In search of the "religious left"

Uniting to promote the politics of compassion

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News :: [none]

The Week in Review: June 23-29

Week in Review

Local MTA protest sees the police; Workers' Comp; DO NOT CALL ME, YOU BASTARDS; We're poor!; God speaks to the Shrub; Elections, you know, are tricky business; I repeat: they are not guerillas; This Week in History


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Commentary :: Media

CHERYL SEAL SPECIAL REPORT: The Making of the Corporate Media: A Sorry Excuse for News; PART ONE: Blasting the Myth of the Liberal Media


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News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Class : Labor

Unionized Whole Foods Market Workers Struggle to Make their Voices Heard

Whole Foods continues lying and misinforming their workers about unionizing while the only unionized workers in the company try to get their word out to their co-workers.

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News :: International Relations

The Pursuit of Happiness

Here is an opportunity to use international law to enable the Pursuit of Happiness.

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News :: International Relations

one by one - day after day


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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Dennis Kucinich - Take Back America Speech

Take Back America mp3 and a video. Also appears on DC Indymedia.

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Announcement :: Protest Activity


Richard Barrett, leader of the Learned, MS based Nationalist Movement, is planning on returning to York, PA this July 4th. We are calling on all anti-racists to converge on York this Independence Day and let Barrett know his racist beliefs are not welcome in Central PA.

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LOCAL News :: Activism

Transit Demo Photos Online

I've put some photos of the June 27th transit demo on the web, here.

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