News :: Activism : Media : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq
Did someone say the Peace movement was dead? Well, it's being reborn as an anti-Bush, Impeach or Pink-Slip the President, anti-Imperialist, End the Occupation, Out of Iraq, anti-Patriot Act, Anti-Corporate Control, Civil Liberties & Social Justice Movement -- and it had it's coming out party Friday evening in L.A.'s Century City Plaza!!
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Reflections on Cuba
23 Jul 2003
Fred Pincus & Natalie Sokoloff
Two Baltimore sociologists share their reflections on their third visit to Cuba.
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Announcement :: Activism
Updated: Call for a padded bloc at the Nov. 20-21 FTAA meetings in Miami
23 Jul 2003
via pog
updated information on organizing for a padded contingent for the Nov. 20-21st FTAA meetings in Miami (with endorsers, logistics, and more) This contingent will take action with a determination to disrupt the meetings.
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News :: Peace
A Closer Look At The “Anti-War” Candidates Of the Democrat Party
22 Jul 2003
Dennis Kucinich, Howard Dean, Carol Mosely-Braun, and Al Sharpton, are painting their candidacies as anti-war.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism
Critical Mass to Ride Friday, July 25th
22 Jul 2003
Scott Loughrey
A Critical Mass bicycle protest is planned for Friday evening.
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Announcement :: Culture
Mid-Atlantic Anarchist Bookfair
22 Jul 2003
Andrew W. Smith
Call for participants in this falls Bookfair.
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News :: U.S. Government
SMOKING GUN (Part II): The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang G. W. Bush: Final Timeline/Putting it all Together.
22 Jul 2003
Cheryl Seal
This article by Baltimore writer Cheryl Seal, was first published in the spring of 2002. It is being reposted now in "honor" of the phony 9/11 commission "report" being released in the coming days which claims 9/11 was "just one of those things," for which no one and everyone was to blame. Examine the evidence and decide for yourself!
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SMOKING GUN (Part I): The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang G. W. Bush; Part I: The Plays and Players
22 Jul 2003
Cheryl Seal
This article by Baltimore writer Cheryl Seal, was first published in the spring of 2002. It is being reposted now in "honor" of the phony 9/11 commission "report" being released in the coming days which claims 9/11 was "just one of those things," for which no one and everyone was to blame. Examine the evidence and decide for yourself!
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The Fight to Save Woodberry from Developers Continues!
22 Jul 2003
Myles Hoenig
Please consider helping local activists in trying to save the scenic Woodberry from development by Loyola college.
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News :: [none]
The Week in Review: July 14-20
22 Jul 2003
Baltimore IMC Editors

Who knew what? when? where? AGAIN; local AFL-CIO refuses to endorse O'Malley; mailbox baseball in Howard County, the evils of song-swapping; slowing down media consolidation; the US fails to properly support American Indians!; George Tenet, Fall Guy...and This Week in History
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