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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS:As Isabel Nears, Americans Pay the Price for What Is Likely an Industry-Engineered Plywood Shortage

The words marking hyperlinks are almost impossible to distinquish from the rest of the text, so I have put them in CAPITAL LETTERS to make them easier to pick out.

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News :: Elections & Legislation

Cronies v. Qualifications, Howard Dean’s Dilemma

Dean’s desire to appoint unqualified cronies to high positions.

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News :: Children

Students Stand Up Against Summer Work Business

National group of students rally against unethical business practices of summer work company.

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News :: Globalization

Victory in Cancun!!! WTO Meetings Collapse!!!

VICTORY! Developing countries pull out, WTO talks collapse

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Review :: [none]


Anne Brodsky, Ph.D. and Associate Professor of Psychology at UMBC, has written an impressive book about the history, culture, community and stength of the Revoluationary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA). With All Our strength, The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan is reviewed in this article. (Anne Brodsky will speak at Stoney Run Friends on September 25. See the Indymedia calendar for details.)

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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Culture : Economy : Economy

The Long-Awaited Messiah Reveals Himself to the World...

I finally stand forth to reveal myself and to deliver the long-awaited messages you have been promised and have been hoping for and expecting. I am the individual long known as the Lion of the Tribe of Juda (Yehuda), the Root of David, the Branch, and the Stem and the Rod from the Root of Jesse.

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News :: Activism


If George W. Bush is re-elected in 2004, the USA will be no more. The military-industrial complex has taken control of our government. Bush is the new Hitler. He let 9-1-1 happen. 9-1-1 was the new Reichstag Fire.

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News :: [none]

Baltimore Corporations Targetted by "Tour of Shame"

peopleoverprofit.jpgAbout 80 activists braved rainy weather on Saturday afternoon to protest against corporate globalization and war, drawing attention to both local companies and international trade agreements. Meanwhile, the meetings of the World Trade Organization collapsed in Cancun, Mexico (See The Other Press report).

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News :: Asia

New Thunder In Nepal: Ceasefire Ends, New Fighting Begins


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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

CHERYL SEAL WEEKEND UPDATE: Twisted Photos for September 12-14

Fractured photos plus an gallery of international WTO protest images

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