Speech on the American Dream, Globalization, & the FTAA
18 Sep 2003
Pat Cruz, Maryland Green Party
Speech of Pat Cruz, Co-Chair, Maryland Green Party, at the September 13 "Tour of Shame."
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News :: Miscellaneous
From Palestine, the Next Revolution in File Sharing
From the legacy of Napster comes ES5 - the product of an international team dedicated to the success of Peer-to-Peer file sharing. Built with great attention to privacy and stealth, the group cleverly positioned themselves in a place of few intellectual property laws - Palestine.
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BTL:As Middle East Road Map Peace Plan Unravels, Israel Threatens to...
18 Sep 2003
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...Expel or Assassinate Yasser Arafat. Interview with Hussein Ibish, communications director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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CHERYL SEAL EXCLUSIVE! Entry from the Diary of Barney, the White House Dog!!!
17 Sep 2003
Cheryl Seal
This diary entry was sneaked out of the White House by a mouse who prefers to be known only as "Deep Throat II". After some bartering (which involved an undisclosed amount of oatmeal and cheddar cheese), I obtained the diary pages. Here is the entry. The illustrations are my interpretations of first-hand descriptions of certain incidents told to me by Deep Throat II, who secretly taped Barneys conversations with Lulu, a mouse that lives in the White House kitchen.
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Announcement :: Latin America
East Coast Caravan of Argentine and Brazilian autonomists
17 Sep 2003
--Offering: speakers, videos, collective banner (quilt) project, workshops, puppet shows, creative performances and other resources.
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Wesley Clark? Clinton's Wrecking Ball!
17 Sep 2003
Lloyd Hart
There's absolutely no possible way General Wesley Clark can unite the Democratic big tent while operating out of the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) pup tent that Bill Clinton pitched with his presidency and win the election for the simple fact that this man used the Powell doctrine on Kosovo.
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Teach-In on FTAA & WTO
17 Sep 2003
Chuck D'Adamo & Jean Cushman

September 6, 2003, the Coalition against Global Exploitation with the Student Labor Action Committee held a teach-in on the Free Trade Area of the Americas and the World Trade Organization in conjunction with upcoming protests in Cancun, Mexico and Miami, Florida. A brief report with links to presentations by Frida Berrigan (World Policy Institute), Robert Scott (Economic Policy Institute), and Jack Sinnigen (University of Maryland).
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Globalization, Employment, and Wages
17 Sep 2003
Robert Scott (Economic Policy Insititute)
September 6, the Coalition against Global Exploitation with the Student Labor Action Committee held a teach-in on the Free Trade Area of the Americas and the World Trade Organization in conjunction with upcoming protests in Cancun, Mexico and Miami, Florida. Contributors to the teach-in included Carlos Banuelos (Casa de Maryland), Frida Berrigan (World Policy Institute), Robert Scott (Economic Policy Institute), Len Shindel (United Steel Workers), and Jack Sinnigen (University of Maryland). More than 70 attended the teach-in which was held at Johns Hopkins University. What follows are based on the remarks of Robert Scott (based on notes and presentation given at the Teach-In).
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