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Submissions to the newswire


News :: Civil & Human Rights

International Tribunal for Reparations for Africans in the U.S

Black People to Put the U.S. Government on Trial: 12th Session of International
Tribunal on Reparations for African People in the U.S. Set for Nov. 15-16,

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LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization

Local/National Events Against the FTAA

A list of both national events and events being coordinated by local organizers and individuals against the 8th FTAA ministerial in Miami, November 19-21. See or for general FTAA info!

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Announcement :: War in Iraq

Anti-Capitalist Bloc @ Oct 25th March on DC

the "as yet unamed anti-capitalist group" has
called for an anti-capitalist bloc to converge at 11:30pm at 7th & P st
and proceed to march down 7th st , eventually meeting with the A.N.S.W.E.R march

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Commentary :: U.S. Government

A Review of 911 Theory

Scott Loughrey reviews 911 theories, including the "Left Gatekeepers" of the established progressive media.

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Review :: Middle East

51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With The Nazis, Edited by Lenni Brenner, Fort Lee, NJ (Barricade Books, 2002), 342 pages.

A Review by William Hughes of Lenni Brenner's book, "51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis"

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

BTL:Electronic Voting's Vulnerability to Tampering Could Undermine...

...Public Confidence in Machinery of Democracy. Interview with Bev Harris, author of "Black Box Voting, Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century," conducted by Between the Lines 'Scott Harris

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News :: Labor

SEIU is Getting even with a senator

The state should investigate Tony Corcoran's claim that his union employer SEIU punished him for pension reforms 10/10/03

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Commentary :: Drugs

(From HST2) - Limbaugh Demagoguery on Drugs

From HST2 on Sunspot, quotes from drug-addict Rush Limbaugh about drugs

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News :: Media

Verdict: A music nothing called the Beatles

Appendix to previous Verdict

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Commentary :: International Relations

BTL:Excerpts of Sept. 27 speech in New York City by Cuba's foreign minister...

...Felipe Perez-Roque. Produced by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari

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