News :: U.S. Government
STOP the ENERGY BILL!! Everything you Need to Know to Block The Biggest Corporate Giveaway in History
17 Nov 2003
Cheryl Seal
That Confederacy of Dunces known as Congress is planning to approve the Bush-Cheney energy bill on or about November 21. This issue was tabled until then in the hopes that it would slide past the public's radar unnoticed as everyone's attention was diverted to the Bush UK trip. DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT!!! Here's the latest update...
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Announcement :: Globalization
16 Nov 2003
Jean Cushman

Organize, get involved to stop the FTAA. Includes info for local activists and links to the rest of Baltimore IMC's coverage on the FTAA.
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LOCAL Interview :: [none]
Stories from Central Booking
16 Nov 2003
Erica Mitrano
A collection of things I saw or stories told to me by fellow prisoners during my two trips through Baltimore City Central Intake and Booking.
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News :: Peace
Walking For A Better World - Melbourne Conference Speech
MFSO representative Jeff McKenzie's speech at the International Peace Pilgrimage Toward A Nuclear Free Future, Melbourne Conference on November 16th, 2003. Highlights include MFSO history, war in Iraq, protests in America, ending the nuclear cycle and the culture of war.
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News :: Peace
Run for Freedom Prisoners of Conscience
16 Nov 2003
Close the SOA and remember the Prisoners Of Conscience! Jim Toren and Jon Blickenstaff from FootPrints For Peace are leading the way to Ft. Benning to honor those who have volunteered to go to prison in order to bring public awareness to the "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation" formerly known as the "School Of Americas".
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News :: Miscellaneous
Texas Oil Patch Disappointment with Bush
16 Nov 2003

Conservative Texans are expressing disapointment with Bush 43. This article provides some strategic insights and reason for optimism as we approach the 2004 election.
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School Jobs Cut, While Pentagon Gets Fatter
The hard truth is that America is broke! We belong in bankruptcy court. The leading culprit is our federal government’s imperialistic foreign policies, which since the end of WWII, has driven our country to the brink of a financial tragedy. For example, WWII has been over for 58 years, yet we have 41,000 troops presently stationed in Japan, and another 72,000 in Germany. Why? The Korean War ended in 1953. We still have 38,000 troops garrisoned in South Korea (DoD). Why are they still there?
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News :: Peace
Activists Join Academics in Opposing Enola Gay Exhibit
DC activists are teaming up with prominent academics to oppose the Smithsonian's plans to exhibit the B-29 Enola Gay without referencing the human suffering caused by the atomic bomb this plane dropped on Hiroshima.
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LOCAL News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Biotechnology : Culture : Environment : Globalization : Labor
FTAA Art Contest Results
15 Nov 2003
J George
Announcing the results of the
Art Contests to Express Opposition to the FTAA
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News :: Labor
15 Nov 2003
SPFPA Security Guard Professionals Union
SECURITY GUARD Professionals Find out How You Can Join America's Union for Security Guard Professionals SPFPA.
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