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Texas Oil Patch Disappointment with Bush
Conservative Texans are expressing disapointment with Bush 43. This article provides some strategic insights and reason for optimism as we approach the 2004 election.
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Conservative Texas oilmen are grumbling about Bush and the policies being implemented by his inner circle. Author's Note: The person in this image is a white male oilman. His views are not necessarily those expressed in this article.
A reliable source, who lives in Texas, sent me an e-mail saying, "I made an interesting observation from lunch yesterday where I met a business colleague in the oil industry." He prefaced his observation by reminding me that "the American independent oil and gas industry is made up of primarily conservative, white males." In this particular case, my source was having lunch with a colleague who is "in his early 60's and has always been a staunch conservative and Republican."
He said, "As the lunch conversation drifted to politics, I was a bit suprised to hear him talk about his complete disappointment in the Bush administration, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. etc." My source's observation? "As I was driving back to my office, I started to realize, that if guys like [this] are starting to question what's going on, and he's not the first I've heard voice his disappointment, what a huge opportunity there will be for an intelligent presidential candidate that is an alternative to Bush."
I was very curious about these signs of "disappointment" eminating from "deep in Bush country", so I asked him to elaborate. My reliable source didn't let me down.
Let my source speak for himself.
"Here are some basic reasons for disappointment:
1) Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling, both former Enron CEO's, are both walking around as free men. These guys and their gang literally ruined the financial lives of thousands of people. These guys are Bush's buddies. There have been a few scapegoats arrested and charged with the Enron collapse. The fall of Enron had enormous repercussions in the oil patch. Everybody in this business knows someone who was hurt badly by the Enron debacle.
2) Iraq has enormous potential to be nothing more than another Vietnam.
3) Afghanistan: A complete foreign policy failure, going back to the 80's. This one is pretty self explanatory.
4) There seem to be lots of mixed emotions about the danger of federal budget deficits.
5) Big Brother is creeping into our lives...... and its coming from the friggin' Republicans.
6) General incompetence....Bush, Rumsfield, Ashcroft etc. etc.
7) This one is purely a personal notation. Bush is extremely un-presidential... primarily in his mannerisms and speech.
8) I did hear this one at lunch yesterday. Cheney-Halliburton. Need not explain more."
Nor does this author.