Do You Love Your Grandmother? Then Show Her and SPEAK OUT NOW against the Devastating Medicare Bill
24 Nov 2003
Come on, America! Your grandmas/abuelinas and grandpas/abuelos are counting on you!
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LOCAL Interview :: Baltimore MD : Children : Poverty
"We're like pigeons walking in circles": Interview with a Baltimore-area Job Corp resident
One of the few surviving leftovers from the 60s era "War on Poverty", the Job Corps is often touted as one of the more sucessful federal programs for "disadvantaged" youth. In this interview, from the upcoming CLAUSTROPHOBIA, one local Job Corps participant gives a different view from the inside . . .
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News :: Urban Development
97% Of American Homeowners Overpay Their Lender In Mortgage Interest Every Month.
24 Nov 2003
Craig Romero
If you own a home, have just re-financed or are
shopping for a mortgage, you'll be outraged.
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How the left can use elections
24 Nov 2003
It's been done before, and it's happening now.
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LOCAL News :: Miscellaneous
This was the week that was
24 Nov 2003
editors imc
Our weekly review of the news of the week
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Rich Lowry’s Lesson in Junk History
Today, if Rich Lowry stood in Coalition-devastated Iraq, at the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, he would be at a source that once “watered Sumeria and Akkad, and nourished the Hanging Gardens of Babylon” (Will Durant’s “Story of Civilization”). The peoples of this ancient land, once known as Mesopotamia, (part of which is holy also to Christianity), prepared the first codes of law, under the magnificent Hammurabi.
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Announcement :: Activism
Resistance of Consciousness--an Alternative to Increasing Police State (with flyer)
23 Nov 2003
core thinker
An alternative still open as the police/war state moves into predictable gear is that we can still use this (the Net) and other tools to get out the word of Resistance Consciousness.
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The BoneHead Compendium, Vol 2
23 Nov 2003
K.R. Anderson
A catalog of jaw-dropping quotes, calamatous situations all accompanied by some wilfully unrepentant commentary.
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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Globalization : Protest Activity
Market and State in Miami on November 21
23 Nov 2003
Chuck D'Adamo & Heather Rounds

A report on some events November 21 in Miami--a free open-air bazaar in downtown organized by activists, the police attack on people engaged in a peaceful solidarity rally at Miami-Dade County Jail, concern over a possible police raid at the Convergence Center, and a press conference.
(Photos by Laura Goren)
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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights : Globalization : Protest Activity
Running on Injuries: The Tale of One Protester Struck by Rubber Bullets

Nine, an activist from the NorthEast Federation of Anarcho-Communists, traveled to Miami to protest the FTAA. He left with a pronounced limp, injured by the rubber bullets fired by the police, an injury that was exacerbated his running over 30 blocks away from the police before he could find a safe space to receive medical treatment.
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