Announcement :: Activism
Resisting US Empire: Fighting for a Better World
Resisting US Empire:
Fighting for a Better World
East Coast Socialist Conference
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Bush and Jesus Got Their Own Thing Goin' - Ban on "Gay Marriage"
01 Mar 2004
Les Blough, Editor, Axis of Logic
The editor of
Boston's Axis of Logic , Les Blough, is a former fundamentalist Christian minister and a graduate of Bob Jones University, University of Tennessee and Penn State University. In this article, he examines the alliance of the Bush regime and Evangelical Christians and the pressure they exert against Gays and Lesbians. Lesbian and Gay issues are viewed as a tool of the government to divide and control Americans.
Blough provides a detailed analysis of the thought processes of "Born Again Christians", contrasting their ideology with the precepts of the historic Jesus.
An in-depth analysis of the intrapsychic processes of change and paradigm-shift are also explored. The article ends with a powerful Tom House satirical lyric and a word or two about George W. Bush's brand of Christianity.
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01 Mar 2004
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Stop Hiding the Toll of War!
550 Americans, numerous coalition troops, and somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed since the invasion and occupation of Iraq began. Even a ballpark figure on the numbers of American, coalition, and Iraqi wounded has shown nearly impossible to get. Why? The Bush administration knows the images of American dead would crumble support for his occupation at home. Join us to tell the Bush administration to stop hiding the toll of war!
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News :: Latin America
Eyewitness Says Haiti's Aristide Did Not 'Flee - He was FORCED Out at Gun Point By US Soliders
29 Feb 2004
Cheryl Seal
A French reporter on the scene in Haiti found a terrified old man - a palace caretaker, he believes - cowering in a corner. The old man said US soldiers came in and forced Aristide to leave at gun point.
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News :: International Relations
U.S. soldiers abducted Aristide, says housekeeper
Reports that Aristide resigned may be a lie...
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News :: Asia
KCNA:"Special Commemorative Page of Kim Jong Il" Opens
28 Feb 2004
Songun Politics Study Group
Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- The U.S. Group for the Study of the Songun Politics opened Internet homepage "Special commemorative page of Kim Jong Il" on February 14 on the occasion of the February holiday. Edited in the homepage are the full text of leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable," propositions from his work "Let Us March Forward Dynamically along the Road of Socialism and Communism under the Unfurled Banner of the Anti-imperialist Struggle" and the full text of the book "Songun Politics of General Kim Jong Il".
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SpecialK MoveMent Has and IS IN The Public Interest !
28 Feb 2004

ABB VoteSlave? or Act Be-Bold Vote to SAVE-Emerging BuildingBloc,By,For & IN the "Public Interest." Man or Mammon? Conviction or Expediency? People Policies or Power & Polls,I see? Can Dems Clean UP Corporate, Cash and Carry Country as a Club Clique, Collaboration to Keep Civic-Minded concerned constituencies Heads,Hearts and-HANDS OFF!,the Executive Branch,People of the Web-need to be a Jammin' Just Jury to make sure relevance Of Jeffersonian roots don't commit Hari-Kerry.
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28 Feb 2004
jeffery mcnary
The defining moment of the 2004 election cycle may wait in the Soutern primaries. This two part series will explore how and why.
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