An in-depth analysis of the intrapsychic processes of change and paradigm-shift are also explored. The article ends with a powerful Tom House satirical lyric and a word or two about George W. Bush's brand of Christianity.
Sometimes, while sitting in my little cabin in the deep woods of New Hampshire, I put one of Tom T. Hall's albums on the stereo and hear this:
"Me and Jesus, got our own thing goin'.
Me and Jesus, got it all worked out.
Me and Jesus, got our own thing goin'.
We don't need anybody to tell us what it's all about.
Excerpts ...
"As we review the marriage of George W. Bush with the Christian Fundamentalists and Evangelicals in this country, it appears that Mr. Bush has "his own thing goin" with Jesus too. Many devout Christians are absolutely convinced today that George W. Bush is also a committed follower of the historic Jesus. It is not difficult to understand why this is so ...ENTIRE ARTICLE"...The Global Corporate Empire and its obliging corporate media are using the homosexual issue to divide America just as they have used welfare, labor laws, race, ethnicity, abortion, the death penalty, prayer in the schools, war and other "hot button" issues to divide us."
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