News :: Protest Activity
March 20 Anti-War Event at Fort Bragg
03 Mar 2004
Liz Seymour
"Global Day of Action" March will be the bigges in Fayetteville, NC since the Vietnam War
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
RFID Tags in New US Notes Explode When You Try to Microwave Them
Want to do something now? Go and microwave your money - it's a start.
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President John Kerry’s Oath of Office
“I, John Kerry, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States, support the passage of a USA Patriot Act II and III, and if necessary, even a Patriot Act IV, and also toughen up the Homeland Security Law...”
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News :: Elections & Legislation
Want to Change the World?... TODAY? Here's Your Chance.
Lets go Marlyland! Vote for a CHANGE not MORE OF THE SAME!
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LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization
March 2 "Life & Debt" Video Showing
02 Mar 2004

Reminder/Announcement of video documentary showing on March 2 about the IMF impacts on Jamaica.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
I hate bushite
02 Mar 2004
Johnny Wizard
No words from the bushites who rule our communications
through corporate news censorship, while Christian
parents call out unheard: why has corporate america
allowed forsaken soldiers to eat plutonium to murder God
for a measly few dollars the bushmob will pocket for the
up coming "unbiased" re-election news campaign?
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News :: [none]
Feb 24 Protest of Corporate Invasion of Iraq
02 Mar 2004
Jim George

At lunch-time on Tuesday February 24 about forty people gathered near the Inner Harbor as part of the “International Day of Action Against the Corporate Invasion of Iraq, and Support of Iraqi Workers.”
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A Transman Meets Dennis Kucinich
Here is an article I wrote about what happened last week when I met Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Please vote for Kucinich for President in the 3/2 Super Tuesday primary!
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