The BoneHead Compendium, Vol 21
Weekly summary of worldly nonsense
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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights
An appeal to the Hopkins campus community
As all eyes are focused on Iraq, Palestine, and Afghanistan, and all the tragedies that are befalling those peoples, there are many who do not know what is happening to Arab, Muslim and Middle Eastern communities here in this country.
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News :: Activism : Gender and Sexuality : Protest Activity
12 Apr 2004
Radical Cheerleaders of DC
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LOCAL Announcement :: Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Civil & Human Rights : Economy : Economy : Environment : Globalization : Labor : Latin America : Poverty : Protest Activity : U.S. Government
Protest Coca-Cola, April 21, Wilmington, Delaware
11 Apr 2004
India Resource Center

Join us to protest Coca-Cola's crimes in Colombia and India at it's shareholder meeting- Wednesday, APRIL 21, 8:30 am, Wilmington, Delaware
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Firing Squads
In world war II the Nazi myrmidons have executed 10 Greek civilans for one killed German myrmidon
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Civil Rights Advocate Blasts Bush’s Criminal War-Making
As the flagrant lies of the Bush-Cheney Gang with respect to its launching of the Iraq War become better known, the American people are beginning, at long last, to stir from their deep sleep. The Lafayette Park Peace Rally, and the work of activists, like Mara Verheyden-Hilliard and Brian Becker, can’t help but to accelerate that needed awakening process.
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Can Congress "Fix" the USA PATRIOT Act?
11 Apr 2004
C. William Michaels
The USA PATRIOT Act has been the subject of innumerable public forums and debates. Anti-PATRIOT Act resolutions have been adopted in more than 250 counties and municipalities. There are lawsuits underway over the statute and actions in Congress to modify it. C. William Michaels asks "Can Congress fix it?"
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Life and Death In Our Cities
10 Apr 2004
Rob the Wob
the globalization of misery
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Cheryl Seal Reports: Weekend 'Photo Link Gallery'
10 Apr 2004
Cheryl Seal
Dark times call for dark humor!
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