Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Announcement :: Protest Activity

April 17 Dick Cheney/NRA Convention Call to Action-Hunt the Rich-Orange Bloc!

The Hunt the Rich Bloc is an attempt to create a space where radicals are free to voice their opposition to the NRA Convention in Pittsburgh, in a venue where the dialogue regarding violence will not be monopolized by simplistic liberal “guns-are-bad, unless you’re talking about the US
military using them to kill tens of thousands of people around the world, or the police using them against predominantly black men in lower-income neighborhoods” chants and slogans.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Today in the MidEast 13Th of april


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Announcement :: Baltimore MD

New Film on MOVE of Philadelphia

Om May 30, 2004 the new film MOVE will be shown at Nowchild located at 409 Preston St. Baltimore MD time 5pm - 7pm Come out see the film. More info at the website includes narration by Howard Zinn

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Commentary :: Middle East

9-11 and the Zionist Connection

Ever noticed how it's taboo to suggest the Zionists engineered 9-11 but not Bush (even though he does collaborate with them to get re-elected).

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Announcement :: Activism

Food Not Bombs regional gathering

Are people interested in having a Food Not Bombs East Coast Gathering in Richmond, Va aroung July 4th, we would love some feedback

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (04/13/04)


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LOCAL Announcement :: Gender and Sexuality


March for Women's Lives -- fliers are ready to be wheatpasted around the city! Please consider helping!

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Today in The MidEast 12th of april


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Commentary :: Economy

What is Participatory Economics?

What feasible alternatives to capitalism are there? This was one of the questions addressed at a panel on "Resistance and Alternatives" during a teach-in on the IMF and World Bank organized by the Coalition against Global Exploitation at the University of Baltimore on April 10. The panel included Katrina Abarcar, co-coordinator World Bank Bonds Boycott, John Lawrence, of Grassroots Economic Organizing Newsletter, and Robin Hahnel, author and economics professor at American University. What follows is the text on which Hahnel based his remarks.

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Announcement :: Protest Activity


Anti-Racist Action is calling for a visible antifascist bloc on April 25th in Washington DC as part of the March For Women's Lives.

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