Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

Food Not Bombs regional gathering

Are people interested in having a Food Not Bombs East Coast Gathering in Richmond, Va aroung July 4th, we would love some feedback
Hey, this is Christie from Richmond, VA Food Not Bombs. We are trying to put feelers out about the potential for an East Coast Gathering of Food Not Bombs groups, possibly around July 4th, possibly with an action as well. Here are some general questions we had in mind to start with, but if you all are interested any feed back or discussion would be awesome and much appreciated. You can send replies to

Thanks a lot, Christie

How many folx in your group would be able to attend?

What would be the most hindering obstacle to keep you from attending?

What would you like to get out of the gathering? What workshops,
speakers, spokescouncils....would you like to see?

Would you or your group be interested in putting on a workshop or
hosting a discussion group related to individual topics? What would that
be? What materials would you need for this?

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