Announcement :: U.S. Government
911: the Road to Tyranny
Explosive documentary "911: the Road to Tyranny" is now on the Internet Archive.
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News :: Activism
Unprecedented Week of Transgender Activism in Nation’s Capital
25 May 2004
NTAC Media
A bit of history occurred the end of April and early May. Three national transgender or gender-diverse civil rights organizations lobbied Capitol Hill simultaneously and, for the first time, all lobbied for the same issues. In addition, yet another rejuvenated national group conducted its first organized protest in years, and still another organization conducted a march to the Viet Nam Veterans’ Memorial, and conducted a historic wreath laying ceremony.
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News :: International Relations
Go To Hell Bush!!!
European leaders are now under fire by the Bush to bail his ass out of Iraq. The Bush administration is seeking support for a UN resolution for a US led multination security force to uphold order in Iraq. Over sixty years ago the leaders of France and England confronted another madman in Munich. Instead of standing firm they agreed to sell out Czechoslovakia after Hitler assured them that he had no aims for further expansion. However, before the war was over Hitler had conquered all of Europe. Tyrants are never satisfied.
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Annihilation of Human Dignity
24 May 2004
master race
Masters and their sorcerer's apprentices
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Prisoner Abuse and Deeper Meanings
24 May 2004
C. William Michaels
Commentary on abuse of Iraqi prisoners by US military personnel.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization
Actions to Protest the signing of the Central American Free Trade Agreement! No more exploitation in the Americas!
24 May 2004
Mobilization for Global Justice
Central American Free Trade Agreement to be signed here in Washington DC May 28th!
Banner intersection action: Noon Thursday May 27th, meet up at the USTR building 600 17th St. NW (old executive office building). This will be a non-permitted direct action. For more information please e-mail
Sign making and street theatre planning party Thursday May 27th 7:00pm at St. Stephens Church. 16th and Newton NW. Columbia Heights Metro on the green line.
Moving picket of noise and resistance! Friday May 28th
Bring: Flags, banners, drums, whistles, your voices and your friends
Assemble 10am, picket until Noon (delegates will be leaving at 11am)
Organization of American States, 17th and Constitution, Washington DC
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Journalists Terrorize Iraqis and Terrorists With Abu Ghraib Pictures
23 May 2004
Gary Revel
The Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse pictures scream 'remember 9/11' and intensify the fear in the hearts of Muslims all over the world. Could it be that CBS and Dan Rather were cooperating with the United States Government in the psychological operation of showing the pictures to Iraqis and terrorists to get them to turn.
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CORRECTION~BTL:While Federal Contracts to Private Companies Proliferate...
23 May 2004
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...Government Oversight is Weak or Nonexistent~Interview with Michael Scherer, Washington correspondent for Mother Jones magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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