LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization
Actions to Protest the signing of the Central American Free Trade Agreement! No more exploitation in the Americas!
Central American Free Trade Agreement to be signed here in Washington DC May 28th!
Banner intersection action: Noon Thursday May 27th, meet up at the USTR building 600 17th St. NW (old executive office building). This will be a non-permitted direct action. For more information please e-mail
Sign making and street theatre planning party Thursday May 27th 7:00pm at St. Stephens Church. 16th and Newton NW. Columbia Heights Metro on the green line.
Moving picket of noise and resistance! Friday May 28th
Bring: Flags, banners, drums, whistles, your voices and your friends
Assemble 10am, picket until Noon (delegates will be leaving at 11am)
Organization of American States, 17th and Constitution, Washington DC
On May 28th at the Organization of American States here in Washington DC, US trade representative Robert Zoellick will be joined by the trade representatives from five Central American countries for the signing of the Central American Free Trade Agreement. Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and the US are embarking on a free trade agreement that will continue to pit workers in the US against workers in Central America in a race to the bottom. A race characterized by low wages, human rights violations, environmental destruction, union busting, corporate interests, and the marginalization of women. A free trade agreement viewed as a step towards the larger, much more ominous Free Trade Area of the Americas.
Mobilization for Global Justice has joined the chorus of voices rising up against CAFTA. With the Stop CAFTA coalition and activists from all backgrounds MGJ is calling for people to come to the OAS, at 17th and Constitution on May, 28th beginning at 10am and continuing through the lunch hour for a moving picket of noise and resistance. Bring you noise makers and flags and banners, bring your voices and friends for a festive show of dissent. There will be street theatre planning meetings and sign making party on Thursday. The location will be announced soon. Everyone is welcome!