False Alternatives
16 Dec 2009
Attac Germany
As 10 years ago, there is resistance against the chaotic, polarizing destructive power of the markets and against the false alternatives of the governments. A globally democratized climate justice requires a radical turning away from the status quo and the "imperial lifestyle."
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action of the axis
16 Dec 2009
Travas Kimble
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News :: Latin America
14 Dec 2009
El Dreyfusard
Había una vez un país del cual el infortunio se había enamorado llamado Paraguay, donde surgió el Mesías predestinado a cambiarle la mala imagen y convertirlo en un país respetado y serio.
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News :: International Relations
CIA Agent Captured in Cuba: Beware of "DAI."
14 Dec 2009
Eva Golinger assisted by General Joe
"To date, the OTI still remains in Venezuela, with DAI as its principal contractor. But now, four other entities share USAID’s multimillion dollar pie in Caracas: International Republican Institute (IRI), National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), Freedom House, and the PanAmerican Development Foundation (PADF). Of the 64 groups funded from 2002-2004 with approximately $5 million annually, today the OTI funds more than 533 organizations, political parties, programs and projects, mainly in opposition sectors, with an annual budget surpassing $7 million. Its presence has not only remained, but has grown. Obviously this is due to one very simple reason: the original objetive has still not been obtained; the overthrow or removal of President Hugo Chávez.
This organization dedicated to destabilizing governments unfavorable to US interests has now made its appearance in Cuba, with millions of dollars destined to destroy the Cuban revolution. Ex CIA officer Phillip Agee affirmed that DAI, USAID and NED “are instruments of the US Embassy and behind these three organizations is the CIA.“ The contract between USAID and DAI in Venezuela confirms this fact, “The field representative will maintain close collaboration with other embassy offices in identifying opportunities, selecting partners and ensuring the program remains consistent with US foreign policy.” There is no doubt that “selecting partners” is another term for “recluting agents” and “consistent with US foreign policy” means “promoting Washington’s interests”, despite issues of sovereignty. Clearly, all DAI activities are directly coordinated by the US Embassy, a fact which negates the “private” nature of the organization.
The detention of a DAI employee is a very important step to impede destabilization and subversion inside Cuba. This episode also confirms that there has been no change of policy with the Obama Administration towards Cuba – the same tactics of espionage, infiltration and subversion are still being actively employed against one of Washington’s oldest adversaries."
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News :: Economy
Tenants, Thugs and CDOs
A local tale of unmitigated greed and the criminal enterprise of one family to corner the residential real estate market in San Francisco led to the shady world of collateralized debt obligations and derivatives.
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Announcement :: Economy
Many questions - one answer - GO TO WORK
13 Dec 2009
Iliya Pavlovich, Ph. D.
The present day crisis appears to some artificially created - we are told that the exit is difficult, but some of us don't quite trust our government since, we had hard times in the past (even harder) and managed to find the right exit.
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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Labor
PHILIPPINES: Leftist Ocampo, Maza guest senatorial candidates of Rightist NP

MANILA, Philippines - Extreme Left party-list Reps. Satur Ocampo of Bayan Muna (People First) and Liza Maza of Gabriela Women's Party have finally decided to run as guest senatorial candidates of the Nacionalista Party, after Manuel Villar Jr., a billionaire businessman and senator, announced that the NP had severed its ties with the Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (KBL - New Society Movement), which was founded by the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos.
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News :: Activism
MECA's Barbara Lubin's Reckless Reporting
12 Dec 2009
Becky Johnson
Santa Cruz, Ca. -- Barbara Lubin of the Middle East Childrens Alliance (MECA) couldn't wait to go to Gaza. She had to see "the destruction and the trauma" for herself. As soon as she possibly could, she rushed to the Gaza border and was eventually able to enter Gaza. She started to send her written and telephoned reports back as soon as she could.
Now MECA is issuing disclaimers for those reports.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity
Emergency Rally tonight: Veteran Community Activists Sharon Black, Steven Ceci Arrested Dec. 9
09 Dec 2009
All Peoples Congress
Veteran Community Activists Sharon Black, Steven Ceci Arrested Dec. 9
Activist Community Urged to Demand Their Release at Emergency Rally, Dec. 9, 7 p.m., Solidarity Center, 2011 N. Charles St. (lower level) in Baltimore
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Obama's War Speech: The Questions It Raises… And The Answer That Must Be Given
09 Dec 2009
Larry Everest
On Tuesday, December 1, at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, President Barack Obama announced that he would send 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan. He also called for 10,000 more NATO troops, which pushes the total U.S.-led forces to nearly 150,000, and he announced plans to step up the war on a number of fronts including (without being specific) in Pakistan. Obama has now tripled the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan since he took office.
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