Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Economy

Many questions - one answer - GO TO WORK

The present day crisis appears to some artificially created - we are told that the exit is difficult, but some of us don't quite trust our government since, we had hard times in the past (even harder) and managed to find the right exit.
Many questions – one answer
…but it takes a lot of guts, which our leaders haven’t found yet. Automotive industry crisis, banking crisis, real estate, education, etc. etc.
Yes it does sound serious, only if we take it seriously – but we’ve been down that road before and so have many other nations.
Like it or not, solutions were found – not all of them painless. Only a spoiled brat would expect a painless exit from all that has befallen us. Some drastic steps might be necessary, some others unpleasant, others severe, yet some others even brutal or draconic.
Let’s see what others (including FDR) have done to combat their way out of difficult times.
a) Massive public works (infrastructure) – not the infusion of worthless paper bills and money
b) Large work projects – substantially same as above.
c) Rationing – albeit very unpopular, painful and despised we might want to ration fuel, electricity, water
d) Taxes are going up consistently in spite of the political rhetoric that “there will be no new taxes” – a mantra used by many presidents in order to willfully deceive the public – so if we have to taxed so heavily – use our labor, use our skills, use our volunteering work, use our humanity, generosity to help the down-trodden
e) Any politician promising what can not be delivered inside of 24 hours is to be guillotined publically on the following day and all his possessions given away to the Salvation Army
f) Restrict driving (except for commercial driving) only to the extent to which domestic fuel can be used. Let’s see what happens to billions barrels of oil that we will not consume inside that one week only. I have a strong feeling prices will tumble.
g) Offer the unemployed (and the underemployed) to work distributing farm goods at a modest profit of 10 cents per pound to the general public through a chain of public kitchens – that way we shall have found another way of creating self-sufficiency, increase the farming output, eliminate the countless middlemen, eliminate un-necessary imports of everything that can be grown in the U.S.
h) Double (and tipple) real estate taxes on private homes where the number of bedrooms exceeds the number in inhabitants by a factor of 2 (twice the tax) factor of 3 (three times the tax), etc.
i) Temporarily suspend all import.

Iliya Pavlovich, Ph. D. (sociology)

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