Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: Economy

Bank of America Stole Our Food

I am very angry at Bank of America. They stole our food.

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News :: Elections & Legislation

Third Party Revolution Endorse Stewart Alexander for California Governor

Stewart Alexander says the most severe crisis California is facing is a leadership crisis; “After electing an actor for governor in 2003 and 2006, most Californians are reluctant to support the three choices representing the two big money parties. Republican frontrunner Meg Whitman has no political experience and Republican Steve Poizner sounds a lot like Schwarzenegger without the accent. Democrat Jerry Brown has not made his position clear on many of the major issues facing California voters.”

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News :: Miscellaneous

ANAIRC, Nicaragua Sugar, la IRC y el Boicot a Flor de Caña y al Grupo Pellas

¿Qué ha motivado a ANAIRC a impulsar una campaña de desprestigio en contra Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited, que la ha llevado incluso a promover un boicot contra Flor de Caña y el Grupo Pellas en general? ¿Cuál es la verdadera situación de Insuficiencia Renal Crónica en Nicaragua?

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Commentary :: Economy

Applying the Emergency Brake

"The US bank model forces others in indebtedness, inflates the money supply, devalues assets and generates virtual dollars.. Wall Street banks are involved in a `systemic risk' that endangers the capitalist reproduction system.."

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Commentary :: Middle East

Funding Israeli Militarism, Belligerence and Occupation

funding Israeli killing of Palestinians

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Commentary :: Peace

America's Permanent War Agenda

permanent wars for permanent peace

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Commentary :: Poverty

The Olympics' Shady Side

Before the official games in Vancouver, downtown and unemployed groups called attention to social injustices.

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LOCAL News :: Activism

Palestinians threaten to take over Israel from the river to the sea


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News :: International Relations


¿Quién puede confiar en un cura con hijos?

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News :: Latin America

Feirão do Bem ti vi, na entrada do primeiro Discoporto do mundo

Na entrada do primeiro Discoporto do Mundo, ao "pé da Serra do Roncador", encontra-se o Feirão do Bem ti vi, barraca tradicional na cidade e que se transformou em ponto turístico, "point" 24 horas daqueles que visitam Barra do Garças e suas belezas naturais.

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