Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

aWearness Call to Action! Support the Angola 3 in Louisiana

Host a solidarity birthday party for Albert Woodfox on Feb. 19th. Enter our cake contest. For more info

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LOCAL News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Environment : Protest Activity

Baltimore Rising Tide Breaks-Up with Constellation Energy

The day before Valentine's Day, February 13th, 2009, Baltimore Rising Tide confronts Constellation Energy about their connections to coal and threaten to “break-up” with the company unless they begin to explore local and sustainable energy solutions.

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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Protest Activity

Drive a Stake Through Cheney's Heart?

A new article by Kevin Barrett has just come out that includes elements of analysis and political thinking that are rare - and much needed! - in order to help the almost defunct and barely breathing now 9/11 Truth movement to regain relevance in the world of US politics.

Despite Kevin's political and ideological mistakes in recent years he still remains a valuable critical thinker and a person whose work is guided by values that are well compatible and harmonious with the broader Peace and Justice movement, itself a branch of the even broader global Liberation Movement.

The article, with the brilliant title "Will the Dumbocrats Wise Up and Drive a Stake Through Cheney's Heart?", is republished below.

In the years 2006 and 2007 a massive organizational and propaganda campaign launched by the extreme Right succeeded in bringing a large section of the 9/11 Truth movement, perhaps the largest, under its domination. Authoritarian politics of all sorts, including racist, fascist, neo-nazi, zion-nazi, jew-hating, red-scare McCarthyist blind anti-communist, white supremacist and christian supremacist politics, all securely based on woman-hating and anti-gay ideologies became the dominant political "normalcy" within many of the folds and branches of the 9/11 Truth movement, both on the local and on the US national levels.

This state of hegemony reached a peak in 2007/8 when the Right wingers succeeded in developing a tremendous schism between 9/11 Truthers and the US anti-war movement, rapidly followed by another Right wing victory: the achievement of a total absence of any Truthers in the two main political battles of 2008: the two Republocrat party national conventions in Denver and St. Paul. At those national conventions illegal branches of the State and the para-State fought in the streets against thousands of people who were protesting the wars abroad and destruction of democracy at home; the battles resulted in thousands of injuries, more than a thousand people arrested, massive trials and solidly contributed to the phenomenal historical event where …tens of millions of white americans voted for a Black presidential candidate!

The Truth movement under Right wing domination was mainly absent and even hostile to participation in these developments. Right wing domination of the 9/11 Truth movement led first to blinded, foggy and confused thought-process among Truthers, and then rapidly succeeded in neutralizing that movement as a viable and promising section of the Peace and Justice movement.

And yet, as Kevin shows in the article below, the politics of 9/11 Truth still hold the potential for being a guide to significant and very desirable changes in the US Empire; both within the existing institutions and outside of them.

Kevin's article shows a roadmap that anyone who is involved in State and Corporate administration can follow for reorienting society's main institutions toward Peace and Justice. 9/11 Truth is a key component of that.

Please read below.
Petros Evdokas
from the Belly of the Beast

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LOCAL Commentary :: Economy

FBI might mean: Finished, Busted & Internment For Corporate Crooks

Are convictions, fines and imprisonment enough punishment for corporate executives proven guilty of crimes that damaged the U.S. economy?

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News :: Activism : Animal Rights

Files for Online Sit In Against HLS on Friday 13th


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LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Protest at Balto City Council-Stop Foreclosures!

Are you, a friend, or a neighbor facing foreclosure?
Do you want to take action to end foreclosures and evictions?
Do you want to stop the destruction of our neighborhoods?

JOIN US - MONDAY, FEB. 23 - 4 P.M. to 5 P.M.
PROTEST at CITY HALL - 100 Holiday St.

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Announcement :: Protest Activity

April 3 & 4 March on Wall Street

In Memory of Martin Luther King, Jr: Announcing a NATIONAL March On Wall Street Friday APRIL 3 & 4

By Bail Out the People Movement

March on Wall Street on the Anniversary on the day Martin Luther King gave his life fighting for social and economic justice. Why? Because we must demand that the needs of the people come before the greed of the super rich. Millions are jobless and homeless, and millions more will be living on the streets if the government continues to waste trillions of dollars on saving wealthy bankers instead of saving people.
Dr. King would have been appalled and opposed to the terrible siege of Gaza as well as the continuing occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Race and Ethnicity

In Commemoration of Black History Month

Racism Raises Its Ugly Head from
Oakland to Gaza- How Do We Fight Back?
Organize and Build Solidarity!

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Commentary :: International Relations

The Limits of the US as Teacher

"Ivan average consumer supports the new self-confident policy of the Kremlin and hardly worries about democracy and human rights. The West must free itself from the illusion its own values can be forced on countries. The change must come from within."

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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Labor

New left party formed in the Philippines

More than 1000 people, including 920 elected delegates, attended the inaugural congress of Power of the Masses Party (PLM) on January 30.

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