Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Race and Ethnicity

In Commemoration of Black History Month

Racism Raises Its Ugly Head from
Oakland to Gaza- How Do We Fight Back?
Organize and Build Solidarity!
InCommemorationofBlackHistoryMonthLarryHales.pdf (71 k)
Hear Guest Speaker- Larry Hales national organizer with youth group Fight Imperialism Stand Together FIST

Larry Hales is returning from Oakland, Ca where he was involved in demanding justice for Oscar Grant who was killed by BART Police on New Years Eve in cold blood. In addition to being a dedicated activist, Larry Hales is a contributing editor for Workers World Newspaper. He has helped organize for many mobilizations around different issues, including against the war, racism and police brutality. Hales was in the Church of Nativity when it was surrounded by Israeli Defense Forces and has been to Palestine, Cuba, Venezuela, and Africa. He has been a victim of police brutality, where at least ten police and parole officers burst into his home and assaulted him and arrested him. Through a national campaign, the charges against were dropped.

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