News :: International Relations
The promotion of an nonexistent threat
12 Jan 2003
and the helplessness of handling an completely frenzied stalinist dictator
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News :: Elections & Legislation
Upgrade to the Green Party's 10 Key Values
12 Jan 2003
Storm Bear Williams
You can have the very same idea and describe it where it is appealing, confusing or appalling. The current language is a good document if you are talking to the choir, but those folks are already on board. If we are going to have real political impact we need to seek the middle class, disenfranchised voter.
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War? Find out.
12 Jan 2003
richard myers

The Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace is necessarily concerned with war. War in Iraq. War in Palestine/Israel. War. The CCMEP website is one of the best sources for war information in the world.
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News :: International Relations
12 Jan 2003
Nobody will ever find out the real criminals behind the scenes.
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News :: Activism
MICROPLATFORM antifascista
11 Jan 2003
IMC milano
This is a open project between Micro-Solco (Italia) and The Platform (Argentina), to give an noisly antifascist answer to repression against social movements. In the last times, the newlyberalist goverments have intensify the attack against those who fight for justice and solidarity. Microplatform participate from the cultural musical front to support the 3 italian antifascists who was arrested the 12th september 2001, as a part of an strategy to attack the movement. "sostieni gli antifascisti, liberare tutti!"
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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights
Activists Protest Threat to Civil Liberties from INS
11 Jan 2003
Chuck D'Adamo

40 march in Downtown Baltimore to protest the new Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) regulations and its effects on men from the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. (photos by Renee Williams: reneewillams(at)
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BTL:Peace Activist Philip Berrigan Remembered
11 Jan 2003
Between the Lines' Denise Manzari.
Interview with Jerome Berrigan, brother of the late peace activist Philip Berrigan, conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari
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News :: Activism
The Animal and Earth Liberation Front - MORE! UPDATES FROM THE FRONTLINES!
The Relentless Determination of those Volunteers from the Animal and Earth Liberation Fronts Continue into the New Year!!! What follows are some highlights of actions and information taken from various websites.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Update: Jaggi Singh Has Been Deported to Canada
10 Jan 2003
Chuck D'Adamo
Beaten while in Israeli detainment, Jaggi Singh has been deported to Canada. Singh had been visiting Palestine as part of the International Solidarity Movement and as an alternative journalist.
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Review :: Activism
New Book on Mumia Hits and Misses
10 Jan 2003
Tony Allen
New Book on Mumia Hits and Misses
In his new book Dave Lindorff purports to tell the truth about Mumia
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