LOCAL News :: Economy : Globalization : International Relations : Labor : Latin America
FTAA Worker's Forum

On November 19, 2003, the AFL-CIO sponsored a forum in Miami entitled "Giving Voice to the Workers of the Americas." This piece, in the style of a journalist's notes, attempts to capture the spirit and content of the event.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism
Contact Board of Estimates over Woodberry Forest
12 Dec 2003
Myles Hoenig
Last ditch effort to save Woodberry Forest!
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News :: International Relations
Fantastic Video on The Carlyle Group
12 Dec 2003
see material
The video will say everything you ever wanted to know about how the deals are made in washington...your country is not a democacy its a joke on you and yours... merry christmas...
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LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization
Send CAFTA packing Noon time Picket Dec. 15th Washington DC
Lets give them one last big hurahh! Send 'em packing with a bang! lets make
some noise! So everyone get your friends and family, co-workers and
neighbors to come out and show the world what we think of CAFTA (it gives
us the Shafta!). BRING NOISE MAKERS!!! Biring your voice!!
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Review :: Animal Rights
Iraqi Relations with the Syrian Baath Party(The twin-regimes of terrorism)
Iraqi Relations with the Syrian Baath Party:
Using the same fascist means in an extreme competition to rule over the Arab countries while claming the highest level of hater to the US and the West.
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BTL:Supporters of Venezuelan President Hugh Chavez Contest Recall Effort
12 Dec 2003
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Interview with Eva Golinger Moncada, of the Venezuelan Solidarity Committee, conducted by Between The Lines' Scott Harris
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“Crimson and Clover”
12 Dec 2003
Margaret Wood
“Crimson and Clover” Ode to the Statue of Liberty
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News :: Activism
Anal Sex Byproduct Named for Senator Santorum
Lube-and-fecal matter mix takes name of anti-gay U.S. Senator.
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Hey, William Kristol: “Hit the Road, Warmonger!”
America’s soldiers, who are serving and dying in Iraq appear to mean little or nothing to William Kristol. They are just a “commodity” to be used by him, like our Republic is, to push forward his more wars in the Middle East agenda.
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