Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization

Send CAFTA packing Noon time Picket Dec. 15th Washington DC

Lets give them one last big hurahh! Send 'em packing with a bang! lets make
some noise! So everyone get your friends and family, co-workers and
neighbors to come out and show the world what we think of CAFTA (it gives
us the Shafta!). BRING NOISE MAKERS!!! Biring your voice!!
Join us on Monday December 15 from 12-1:00 as social justice
organizations host a final lunch time picket of the Central America Free
Trade Agreement (CAFTA) talks at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C.
Bring noise makers, puppets, signs and your voice as we let the
negotiators know we do not want this agreement. We will also have some
street theater from the folks at Witness for Peace.

The Mayflower is at 1127 Connecticutt Ave, NW one block north of Farragut
North Metro (L st. exit).

We've been there every day since the talks have started - and while the
Washington Post seems to not have noticed, the negotiators and the
international press have. From the Financial Times today: "Even if the
Cafta can be done this year, the daily protests from labour and human
rights groups during the negotiations in Washington show how tough it
will be to push the deal through Congress."

So help us send a parting message to negotiators as we close our week of
actions against CAFTA.

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